Basically it would be doing a debug, I think I am very organized and my programming is easy to read
- open event
- basic functions
- functions apply
- Load for inv or command /loadweapon and load selection in menu
- Main Menu
- Menu for options
- Function cam
- Event cam
- Inspection extras
- Extras others off for command
- Start, Stop resource
- 2 notify = 'rnotify' (for send the player, and all errors in ox_lib) or all in 'ox_lib'
- 2 menus = 'menu_base' and 'rsg-basemenu'
- Config.RemovePrice (0 - 1) = 100 % cost remove base price
- can show stats in /w_inspect
- Config permision command acces menu
- change prices and locales categorie for names in menu
- all data for components, material and engraving
- system price in data
/loadweapon -- refresh skin weapon
/w_inspect -- inspect weapon need item weapon_repair_kit
- gum_weapons -- Gum-Core
- rsg-weapons -- BM-Studio
- rsg-weapons -- Rexshack-RedM
- rsg-horses
- rsg-barbers
- rsg-appearance
- vorp_weaponsv2 -- VORPCORE
- qc_weapModifier -- QUANTUM CORE
- rms_dnb,
- rexshack,
- salahkham,
- ttv_artmines_playz,
- philmcraken,
- jackp_,
- Sadicius,
- and there are many others...