What is Network?
Two or more hosts connected through cables or wireless to allow data/resource sharing.
What is Internet?
Internet is network of networks.
What is Host?
Any device that has an IP address and can participate in a network is host. ex : PC,laptop,server,mobile,mainframes etc
What is an IP Address?
IP address is a unique address to identify a device participating on a network.
What is a Router?
Router is a networking device which is used to connect two or more networks.
What is a Switch?
Switch is a device which is used to connect two or more hosts.
Switch is a unicast device.
Unmanagable switches : has less features , messaged passed may reach all the hosts in the switch , less expensive , used in homes/small offices for low data priority works.
Managable switches : has many features (vlan etc) , usesd in companies/organizations , more expensive.
What is LAN (local area network) ?
Multiple hosts connected with each other (spanning a small buiding/offices) via a switch/router , that further connects to internet.
What is WAN (wide area network) ?
multiple LANs connected with each other forms a WAN.
There are two types of WAN (private and public)
What is Public WAN ?
Two or more LANs connected with each other via a VPN on a public internet.
Cheap and less secured
What is Private WAN ?
Two or more LANs connected with each other via a dedicated leased line provided by ISPs.
Expensive and more secured