Vectorized Video (.vvid) is a video file format developed by dot Learn for data-light transmission of online video lessons in low-connectivity environments.
See more information in the Wiki:
Import the library into the browser
<script type="application/javascript" src="vv.js"></script>
You will need to access a .vvid object as a blob
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.onload = function(e) {
var arraybuffer = oReq.response;
var blob = new Blob([oReq.response], {type: "application/zip"});
};"GET", "demo.vvid");
oReq.responseType = "arraybuffer";
Once you have a blob in javascript, you can load the video into a the player
vv.load(blob, "container", {width: 800, height:450 });
vvid.load(vvidBlob, 'container-id', options); // Load a video
container-id - The id of the div element you wish to place the video in
options - Options object, with the following parameters
width - Width, in pixels, of the video height - Height, in pixels, of the video callback - Function to call after video is loaded // Play the video
vvid.pause(); // Pause the video
vvid.stop(); //Stop the video
To get started with the player, you will need NodeJS. Clone the repository, enter the working directory and do npm install
npm install
That should install grunt (for builds), and a few other dependencies
To build the library, use:
grunt build
To rebuild the demos, use:
grunt demo
You can view a live demo of a vectorized-video here:
You can see a number of examples, both for demonstration and testing purposes, in the examples and examples-unzipped folder. The build script treats each folder in "examples-unzipped" as the raw contents of a .vvid file, which it wil then build, package and sent for distribution to the "examples" folder. You can then find the folder of the same name in examples. To view the output, just load index.html in any of the example folders.