The Review Management System is a comprehensive platform designed to facilitate the management of formal reviews or evaluations. Built with AdonisJS for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend, the system provides a polished, user-friendly interface. It is highly adaptable for various use cases, such as employee performance reviews or academic evaluations.
Landing Page:
Introduction to the system, directing users to sign in or register. -
Sign In/Up Pages:
User authentication with frontend validation and backend error messages. -
Reviews Page:
- Displays all reviews with pagination, search, and filter options.
- Reviews are presented as cards showing details like stars, pros, and cons.
Dashboard Page:
- Displays user-specific reviews without pagination.
- Includes options to create new reviews, edit existing ones, delete reviews, and logout.
- Modals are used for creating and editing reviews.
Here are some screenshots of the Official Review Management System:
Used for components like modals, alerts, cards, and text fields. -
Tailwind CSS:
Applied for consistent styling and layout across the application.
Vue Router:
For navigation between different pages like Reviews and Dashboard. -
Lifecycle Hooks:
Managing component lifecycle events. -
Options API and Composition API:
Structuring components and handling logic. -
Adding dynamic behavior to elements. -
Event Handling:
Capturing and responding to user interactions. -
Props Passing:
Sharing data between components. -
Provide and Inject:
Sharing data across the component hierarchy. -
Reacting to changes in data. -
Computed Properties:
Deriving values based on reactive data. -
Pinia Stores:
Managing global state. -
Handling event communication between components.
- Backend: AdonisJS
- Database: MySQL
- Frontend: Vue.js, Vuetify, Tailwind CSS
- State Management: Pinia
For the backend implementation of this project using AdonisJS and MySQL, please visit the Backend Repository.