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Drupal 8 date time picker form element using the xdan jQuery Plugin Date and Time Picker library

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  • Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Views exposed filters
  • Maintainers


The Single Date Time Picker module supports date/time and date fields. You can use it on Datetime and Datetime Range fields.


  • Support Datetime and Datetime Range field types

  • Support for Views exposed filters

  • 12/24 hour format display

  • Option to choose granularity for minutes

  • Option to disable specific days global (etc. Saturday)

  • Option to disable specific dates, useful for holidays, working days, etc.

  • For a full description of the module visit:

  • To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes visit:


This module requires the following outside of Drupal core:



1. Navigate to Administration > Extend and enable the module.
2. Navigate to Administration > Structure > Content types > [Content type
   with date field] > Manage form display.
3. Select the date field to edit and choose "Single Date Time Picker" from
   Widget drop down.
4. Edit the Field Plugin Setting by selecting the gear icon.
5. Select the hours format: 12 hours or 24 hours.
6. Select granularity for minutes in calendar: 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes.
7. Select days which are to be disabled in calendar.
8. To disable specific dates from calendar enter days in following format
   d.m.Y etc. 31.12.2018. Each date in new line. This is used for specific
9. Update and Save.


This module contains submodule single_datetime_exposed. If you enable it, all exposed filters of types date and search_api_date will automatically use date time picker on exposed filters.

It works with all operators, and none configuration is needed. If you need customized configuration, suggesting that you create your implementation based on this submodule.


You can use SingleDateTime in other parts of the Drupal FORM API with minor adjustments. If you are using non single_datetime elements, as textfield field type, you need to attach proper attributes on the field, and attach JS library (see examples below).

Second choice is that you can create custom field of field type single_datetime directly.

Also exist helper \Drupal\single_datetime\AttributeHelper with some default attributes options and examples. See examples below.

Custom single_datetime field Using AttributeHelper you can create default widget:

$form['purchase_date'] = [
 '#title' => 'Purchase date',
 '#type' => 'single_date_time',
 '#date_timezone' => date_default_timezone_get(),
 '#default_value' => NULL,
 '#date_type' =>  'datetime',
 '#required' => TRUE,
] + \Drupal\single_datetime\AttributeHelper::allElementAttributes();

Directly using your attributes.

 $form['purchase_date'] = [
    '#title' => 'Purchase date',
    '#type' => 'single_datetime',
    '#time' => FALSE,
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#hour_format' => 24,
    '#first_day' => \Drupal::config('')->get('first_day'),
    '#disable_days' => [],
    '#allow_times' => 60,
    '#allowed_hours' => Json::encode(range(0, 23)),
    '#inline' => '0',
    '#mask' => FALSE,
    '#datetimepicker_theme' => 'default',
    '#single_date_time' => 'datetime',
    '#exclude_date' => '',
    '#min_date' => '',
    '#max_date' => '',
    '#year_start' => '1970',
    '#year_end' => date('Y'),

Textfield or any other field type

Using AttributeHelper you can create default widget:

 $form['purchase_date'] = [
   '#title' => 'Purchase date',
   '#type' => 'textfield',
   '#time' => FALSE,
   '#required' => TRUE,
   '#attributes' => \Drupal\single_datetime\AttributeHelper::defaultWidget(),
 $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'single_datetime/datetimepicker';
 $form['#attributes']['autocomplete'] = 'off';

Directly using your attributes.

 $form['purchase_date'] = [
   '#title' => 'Purchase date',
   '#type' => 'textfield',
   '#time' => FALSE,
   '#required' => TRUE,
   '#attributes' => [
     'data-first-day' => '0',
     'data-disable-days' => [],
     'data-inline' => '0',
     'data-datetimepicker-theme' => 'default',
     'data-single-date-time' => 'date',
     'data-max-date' => date('Y-m-d'),
     'data-year-start' => '2005',
     'data-year-end' => date('Y'),
 $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'single_datetime/datetimepicker';
 $form['#attributes']['autocomplete'] = 'off';


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