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9.0.4: Now with more ✨sparkles✨

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@Vadskye Vadskye released this 02 Jan 17:57
· 2032 commits to master since this release

General changes

  • Magical abilities are now identified with a ✨ emoji
  • A new Common Magical Effects section contains more standardized and explicit rules for resurrection, shapeshifting, and teleportation
  • Destroyed objects can now be repaired using the Craft skill, but it's expensive
  • Potions are now defined as alchemical, so they explicitly work for Alchemist wizards
  • A variety of typos have been fixed
  • Classes
    • Paladin: Lay on Hands+ now heals HP in addition to removing a condition or vital wound, and Zealous Fixation is now simpler
  • Feats
    • Knowledge Specialization no longer incorrectly grants a bonus to Armor defense at 21st level
    • Social Insight Specialization's Read Emotions ability can only attack the same target once between short rests
  • Mystic spheres
    • The standard target limit for various rituals is now 6 people
    • Aeromancy: Airborne Leap (redesigned), Airborne Leaper (removed), Gentle Descent (now a ritual), Overland Flight (new ritual), Dust in the Eyes (new)
    • Aquamancy: Purify Water (now a ritual), Slippery Escape (removed), Aquatic Freedom (redesigned as a cantrip), Swimmers (new ritual), Rainstorm (now a ritual)
    • Astromancy: Astral Ease (new cantrip), Mass Phasestep (removed), Plane Shift (now only Medium size), Astral Projection (now only Medium size), Homeward Shift (shorter ritual time), Overland Teleportation (redesigned), Forge Astral Beacon (new), Guided Teleportation (new), Intraplanar Teleportation (new), Twinned Portals (longer range but no range scaling)
    • Channel Divinity: Divine Radiance (now attuneable), Consecrated Ground (buffed, previously Consecration), Divine Transit (redesigned), Commune (lower rank), Efficient Commune (new)
    • Chronomancy: Accelerated Reading (slower scaling, now minor action to sustain), Rewind (new cantrip)
      • New rituals: Ripen, Stasis Chamber, Overland Haste, Reverse Breakage/Destruction/Death
    • Enchantment: Mind Blank (new), Selfstrike (they have to use a strong strike)
    • Polymorph: Disintegrate (better against objects), Lungs (redesigned from Air Breathing), Gills (redesigned)
    • Verdamancy: Lifeweb Transit (redesigned)
    • Vivimancy: Corpse Communion (new ritual), Greater Resurrection (renamed from Complete Resurrection), True Resurrection (removed), Soul Bind (requires a more expensive gem)