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8.9.2: Simplified feat scaling

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@Vadskye Vadskye released this 07 Oct 00:51
· 2356 commits to master since this release

Problem: Feats are too complicated. A single feat has more individual abilities than an entire class archetype, but the power level of feats is intended to be lower than class archetypes. This means that feats often have irrelevant abilities, overly complicated scaling, and overall simply have too much text.
Solution: Feats now scale more slowly. Instead of granting new abilities every 3 levels after level 3, feats now grant abilities every 6 levels after level 3. This means that a typical feat has 5 abilities instead of 8, which is more manageable. The power level of lower level feat abilities has generally been increased to keep the overall power of feats the same.
Specific changes:

  • All feats now have the scaling described above
    • Some active abilities from feats still have specific "every 3 levels" scaling
    • Since this caused significant changes to every feat, it's not useful to list every change
  • Specific feats with unusually signicant changes:
    • Chameleon: the benefits from Martial and Primal specialties have been changed
    • Creature Handling Specialization: Battleforged Training has been redesigned
    • Juggernaut: Redesigned to be more focused on movement and specifically Overrun
    • Metacaster: Redesigned to be more focused on the metamagic class ability
    • Precognition: Combat Prediction no longer requires an attack and gives you more information about the target's actions, but grants lower numeric bonuses
    • Twinhand Spellcaster: Double Spell is now Twinspell, and costs fatigue instead of limiting your actions during the next round
    • Two-Weapon Fighting: Redesigned to grant stances that change how you use your offhand weapon

Problem: Feat attribute requirements are slightly too low. Those requirements were originally designed around a 10-point attribute system, rather than a 15-point attribute system, so getting a 1 in an attribute is no longer a meaningful cost.
Solution: Increase the attribute requirements for some feats. In general, feats that are more complicated or otherwise drastically change a character's capabilities have higher attribute requirements than simpler feats.
Specific changes:

  • General feats:
    • Chameleon: Int 2 instead of Int 1
    • Entropist: Wil 2 instead of Wil 1
    • Iron Will: Wil 2 instead of Wil 1
    • Precognition: Int 3 instead of Int 2
    • Regenerator: Con 3 instead of Con 2
    • Rapid Reaction: Dex 2 instead of Con 1
    • Spellwarped: Wil 3 instead of Wil 1
    • Swiftrunner: Dex 3 instead of Dex 1
    • Telepath: Int 1, Wil 2 instead of Int 1, Wil 1
    • Toughness: Con 2 instead of Con 1
  • Casting feats:
    • Mental Magic: Wil 2 instead of Wil 1
    • Metacaster: Int 2 instead of Int 1
    • Prepared Spellcasting: Int 3 instead of Int 2
    • Twinhand Spellcaster: Dex 2 instead of Dex 1
  • Combat feats:
    • Battle Armory: Str 1, Dex 2 instead of Str 1, Dex 1
    • Duelist: Dex 2, Int 1 instead of Dex 1, Int 1
    • Executioner: Per 2 instead of Per 1
    • Greatweapon Warrior: Str 3 instead of Str 2
    • Ghostblade: Dex 1, Wil 2 instead of Dex 1, Wil 1
    • Juggernaut: Str 2, Con 1 instead of Str 2
    • Maneuverist: Int 2 instead of Int 1
    • Whirlwind Warrior: Dex 2 instead of Dex 1

General changes

  • Concealment now provides a 20% miss chance instead of a 25% miss chance
  • Using Projectile weapons while mounted is now more difficult
  • The rogue and warlock images have been edited to be a little less ugly
  • Ring of Mastery is now stronger, but rank 3 instead of rank 2
    • This should make it compete less directly with the standard rank 2 magic items, and only become relevant when characters become more limited on attunement points at higher levels
  • Mystic spheres:
    • Aquamancy: A new Waterward spell has been added
    • Photomancy: Blur and Mirror Image now provide a 20% miss chance, but Blur applies against all targeted attacks. A new Enduring Invisibility spell has been added.
    • Polymorph: A new Alter Self spell has been added
    • Telekinesis: Distant Hand has slightly stronger scaling