10.6.4: Alchemical item and poison buffs
General changes
The "Diminuitive" misspelling has been fixed to "Diminutive"
Halving negative numbers is now more clear
The rules for throwing poisons have been clarified
Weak strikes only halve damage bonuses, not penalties
You can now ignore allies when calculating whether enemies have cover
Cover now explicitly protects against "half damage on miss" effects that target Armor/Reflex defense
The timing and mechanics for object interactions are now more clear
The repetitive extra rules text shared by all bows has been moved into a new "Bow" weapon tag
Most consumable alchemical items have been buffed
Lower rank: Moonrod, firebomb, avalanchestone, tanglefoot bag
Higher rank: Sunrod, Snowball, iceball
Different damage scaling: Alchemist's fire, acid flask, thunderstone
New items: Bottled hellfire, mindbomb, shockstone, stunning sphere
Plant-based poisons have been redesigned and generally buffed
Animal-based poisons will be adjusted in a future patch
New magic weapon properties: Psionic, Toxic, and Prismatic
The Consussive magic weapon property has been renamed to Vibrating
Cleric: Air Domain now also adds Jump to your list of class skills
Tactician: Battle Tactics now have Sustain (free) instead of Sustain (minor)
Combat Styles
Headshot has been renamed "Concussive Strike"
Mystic Spheres
Fabrication: Personal Weapon now has a slightly more intuitive interaction with slow-loading crossbows
Prismatic Spray now clarifies that its critical hit effect improves both conditions it inflicts
Radiant Field now scales accuracy with rank
Verdamancy: Poison spells have been adjusted to match the changes to plant-based poisons, generally making them stronger and shorter range
Agile Reaction: Evasive Reaction+ is now acquired at level 18 instead of level 21
Combat Style Versatility has been redesigned to be more interesting
Optional Rules
Incarnations are now in the Roll20 sheet
You can’t perform that action at this time.