10.6.2: Backgrounds and ship combat
General changes
The first three key rules chapters have been reorganized as Characters, Adventuring, and Combat
Many rules sections in those chapters have been reworded to be clearer and avoid repetition
Roll20 Sheet
Power is now automatically added to damage with weapons
Weight limits are now visible in the Ref tab
Leaders now have lower hit points
Snipers now have lower hit points, but higher defenses
Half-orcs now have either -1 Int or -1 Per, rather than always -1 Int
Half-orcs now know an additional common language
Orcs are now considered a common species, and have been redesigned
Falling damage now scales with weight category
Attribute point buy has been redesigned to avoid awkward extra points that are difficult to spend
Instead of having costs of 1/3/5/8 with 15 points to spend, attributes now cost 1/2/3/5 with 8 points to spend
This also generally makes starting attributes slightly lower, which is intentional
Explicit backgrounds have been added
Backgrounds are a mixture of benefits and flaws, both of which can have a significant narrative impact
Backgrounds do not significantly affect a character's statistics or combat power
The rules for helping allies make checks have been simplified
You can give an ally a non-stacking +2 bonus if you beat a DV 5 lower than the real DV
Resilient Strike now grants a +4 defense bonus instead of making you impervious, and deals more damage at rank 4
Feral Strike can also be used with thrown weapons
Druid: Plant Channeling now has standard range extension wording
Combat Styles
Mystic Spheres
Air Bubble has been renamed to Air Supply, and is now rank 3 instead of rank 4
A new Limited Air Supply ritual has been added
Revelation: Field of Visions is now Sustain (attuneable, standard) instead of only an immediate effect
Entropist: The 18th level ability now only requires one fatigue instead of two
Optional Rules
New critical failure and exploding check variants have been added
A new Ship Combat chapter has been added
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