10.3.3: Expanded unusual species and various tweaks
General changes
Escape Grapple no longer scales directly with size category
"Enraged" is now a standardized debuff that compels attacks instead of prohibiting non-attacks
A standard overland travel day is now 8 hours instead of 10 hours to more closely match real world travel limits
Elite monsters now have 3x normal monster HP instead of 4x normal monster HP
Hit point progressions are now written in a way that should be more understandable`
Cleric: several Preacher abilities now have the Emotion tag
Dragons now gain a +2 Armor defense bonus to offset the barding penalty
Dryaidi have been redesigned, and now have a species archetype
Harpies now gain a +2 Armor defense bonus from Winged Agility to offset the barding penalty
Humans now gain +1 to one attribute (max 4) instead of an additional insight point
Naiadi have a slightly buffed Aqueous Form ability
Oozeborn do not have to wear barding while using Mold Body to appear humanoid
Saplings have been added
Vampires now have darkvision
Armor for unusually shaped creatures is now called "barding" and provides -2 Armor defense
This penalty also applies to armor-like effects such as Mage Armor
Whips now deal slashing damage and no longer have the Subdual tag
Mystic Spheres
Wall of Water now affects a larger area
Liquifying Grasp is now rank 4 instead of rank 3
Enchantment: Monologue is now Subtle
Photomancy: Searing Light has been redesigned and is now rank 2
Polymorph: Baleful Polymorph is now Short range instead of Medium range
Prayer: Curse of Rage has been removed
Darklantern no longer dims brilliant illumination
Deeper Darklantern has been added, which can dim brilliant illumination
Verdamancy: Wall of Thorns now deals half damage on a miss
Clarified some ambiguities with the Ascetic feat
Combat Style Versatility now only requires 1 Int
Sphere Focus: Photomancy now creates barriers instead of difficult terrain with Hardlight Photomancy
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