🔭 I’m passionate about: Data structures and algorithms.
🌱 I’m currently learning: Front-end and back-end technologies.
👯 I’m interested in collaborating on: Innovative software development projects.
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/VIKRAM2563?tab=repositories
📫 How to reach me: vikrampartha24@gmail.com
📝 To know more about my experience and access my resume, check out this link
- Hotspot Attendance System: https://github.com/VIKRAM2563/Hotspot-Attendance-System
- WordPedia (Dictionary React App): https://github.com/VIKRAM2563/WordPedia-React-App
- Customer Segmentation using K-Means: https://github.com/VIKRAM2563/CustomerSegmentation-KMeans-MachineLearning
- House Price Prediction: https://github.com/VIKRAM2563/HousePricePrediction-MachineLearning
- Tic-tac-toe using AI: https://github.com/VIKRAM2563/TicTacToe-AI-Python
- Sorting Visualizer: https://github.com/VIKRAM2563/Sorting-Visualizer-Tool
- Media Player using JavaFX: https://github.com/VIKRAM2563/JavaFX-Media-Player
Email: vikrampartha24@gmail.com
Phone/WhatsApp: +91 8073613288
Drop me a line if you have any questions, exciting project ideas, or just want to grab a virtual coffee! ☕️