A thin Rust layer on top of the official Amazon Linux docker image. Suitable for both local development and continuous deployment/integration workflows. Perfect for pre-building building binaries that target various AWS services.
In most cases you can get away with running the following in the root of your crate:
docker pull vicemedia/amazon-rust
docker run -t vicemedia/amazon-rust cargo run
If are compiling against nightly you can alternatively run:
docker run -t vicemedia/amazon-rust cargo +nightly run
You can also further customize your environment with a Dockerfile:
FROM vice/amazon-rust
# Set the default toolchain to nightly.
RUN rustup default nightly
# Copy your crate's source code into the container.
COPY . /usr/src/app
# Set the container's working directory to root of your crate.
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Create a mount point to the working directory.
VOLUME ["/usr/src/app"]
# Execute `cargo run` when files are changed.
CMD ["cargo", "watch", "-x", "run"]
This docker image favors convenience over image size. The following system dependencies and cargo plugins are pre-installed:
- GCC/G++
- Git
- Make
- OpenSSL