This Bank Management System is a mini project created using Java for Object Oriented Programming Course 2021-2022. It is a simple Command Line Application which can be used using terminal. The data of users is stored in MySQL database. We can CREATE
a new user means a new account, can READ
the users data, can UPDATE
the details of the user, can DELETE
a record of the user
Group 19
![]() AMOGH PATEL S20200010015 |
![]() RANJITH GOUD KOLA S20200010094 |
![]() AKHILA GUTTULA S20200010074 |
![]() VASAM VENU S20200010225 |
![]() VARUN KUMAR BANSAL S20200010223 |
MySQL server
Java JDK
CLASSPATH environment variable having JDBC driver path in it.
git clone
cd oops-mini-project
java Main
java Main -h
java Main -h
java Main
java Main -c
On running the above command it will list a help containing the arguments required for this command
1. Type of account you want For savings account give SA, for current account give CA.
2. Name of the account holder and if your name has spaces in between (firstname lastname) then give like this "firstname lastname".
3. Gender give M for male and F for female.
4. Username you wanted to use for future banking purposes
5. Password you wanted to use for login and banking purposes
6. Opening Balance for the account
java Main -up
On running the above command it will list a help containing the arguments required for this command
1. Username of the account
2. Old password or the current password you are using
3. New password to set
java Main -s
On running the above command it will list a help containing the arguments required for this command
-u for searching using username
java Main -s -u username
-a for searching using account number
java Main -s -a account_number
-n for searching using name
java Main -s -n name
-t for tracing a transaction using transaction i
java Main -s -t transaction_id
java Main -d
On running the above command it will list a help containing the arguments required for this command
1. username of your account
2. password of your account
Below is the complete instruction
java Main -d username password
java Main -tr
On running the above command it will list a help containing the arguments required for this command
For withdrawing Money use -w
1. username of account
2. Password of account
3. Amount
Complete command will look like this
java Main -tr -w username password amount
For depositing Money use -d
1. username of account
2. Amount
java Main -tr -d username amount
For transferring Money use -t
1. username of account
2. Password of account
3. Amount
4. Username of the beneficiary
java Main -tr -t sender_username password amount beneficiary_username
java Main -l