A Flutter application, To show the use of sqflite database in flutter with structure.
Adding User To DB | Deleting User from DB |
Which contains all the model classes of tables and all other database Helper classes to create and initialiaze database.
Which contains required screens to provide user interface.
- AppDatabaseInfo: It contains all the database related information.
- DBInfo: An interface to provide all the required database information which is implemented by AppDatabaseInfo class.
- DBHelper: Helper class, which help us to initialize/open database and create tables.
- DBInformer: Interface class, which give us callback on database initialized/open.
- Tables: Which contains all the table creation queries.
- Model : Table class, contains all the table columns information.
- Provider : Data Provider class, which responsible to perform all CRUD operation on perticular Table.
- sqflite : https://pub.dev/packages/sqflite
- shared_preferences : https://pub.dev/packages/shared_preferences
For more understanding, Please refer this project also you can use this project if you want to quick start.
- Easy Database implementation
- Time saving
- Clean Structure
If you have any suggestions or you can make this more better write me, create issue, or you can also write code and send pull request.
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