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User Office Core

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You can find the full documentation for the User Office project here.


If you're planning to contribute to this project by adding new functionality, we encourage you to discuss it first in the Discussions tab. This helps ensure that your proposed changes align with the project's goals and prevents duplicate efforts. Here's how you can initiate a discussion:

  1. Go to the Discussions tab.
  2. Start a new discussion thread outlining your proposed changes.
  3. Wait for feedback and consensus before proceeding with creating a pull request.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project!

Getting started

To be able to start both backend and frontend locally you will need to:

  1. Install all needed dependencies with npm install
  2. Start the application using npm run dev or npm run start

Check the .env file

If .env file is not preset during startup of the project, it will be created using example.development.env file template. The example.development.env and .env files are located in apps/backend and apps/frontend accordingly.

Running with docker-compose

If you want to get something running for testing purposes only, you can run the docker-compose file located at the root of the repository. Use the following steps:

  1. docker compose up
  2. Visit localhost:33000
  3. Use the default users for login, (User Officer) or (User) with password "Test1234!"

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.

npm run lint

Lints typescript code and log if there are any errors.
npm run lint:fix should be used if you want to fix all auto-fixable errors and warnings.

Contribution and release versioning

Please refer to the Contribution guide to get information about contributing and versioning.

Happy coding! 👨‍💻