- Part-1.GraphQL-HelloWorld (more detail explanation included: intial step)
- Part-2.GraphQL-Functions-Types (using function road map: resource)
- Part-3-SpringBoot-GraphQL-Book-Projects (example project: Spring Boot GraphQL POSTMAN API)
- Part-4. Spring Boot GraphQL MySQL Hibernate (more detail resolvers)
- Part-5.GraphQL SpringBoot (Depedency configuration, pox.xml; data integration)
- The example defines a basic JPA annontated data model containing a single entity, Person. When spring-boot runs it takes that entity definition and creates an in-memory H2 embedded database with pre-poluated dummy data.
- Project-1. Book-Store-SpringBoot-GraphQL (testing project: resource)
- Project-2. Project Backend Frontend (DB integration and testing API : resource included)
- Project-3. Spring Boot React Graphql Hibernate (Shopping Mall: resource )
- Project -4. SpringBoot GraphQL Error Handler (testing project, error handling and improve configuration test case)
- Project-5. SpringBoot GraphQL Secure Test (Includec Secure and Unit Test(GraphQL mutation and query Cases represented)