code for migration of (plug-ins) to new location
- read the plug-in index file (contains all data)
- or read simplified index file. contains only plug-in name, docs folder name, plug-in repo name, target repo name, rest will be build on the fly
- using REST interface to create REPOsitories in the products ORG
- upload documentation (processed, remove unecessary navtable etc) into docs folder
- upload special files (files not marked as PLUGIN) to files folder
- create and upload info.json and releases.json into files folder
- create and upload mkdocs.yaml
- setup gh-pages
- either clone repo to disk or continue using REST interface
- create for each plugin-version a release based on plugin-version information and attach plugin-file to release
- plugin files with semver 0.0
- copy them into files subfolder
- and link them in the too!
- take care of files with .001 ending, there maybe more and need also to be copied...
- check to use gh cli client for creating and uploading releases instead of REST interface
- look at
- ALL repo
- workflow
- write:packages
- ALL admin:org
- ALL user
- ALL admin:enterprise
- ALL project
- use to run the migration
- default settings and environment variables used in the python code
- file not under versioncontrol. overrides the settings with your special settings (for example your github token and so on)