UpperLEFTY / dotfiles / README.md
These are the base dotfiles that I start with when I set up
a new environment (for more specific local needs I use the
# clone this repository
git clone via terminal or github desktop
# cd into the directory
cd dotfiles
# run the install script in brew folder
# installs homebrew skip if you already have it
# run the bootstrap script in install folder
# installs all the apps and tools
# restart your computer
- Homebrew - The missing package manager for macOS
- Git - Distributed version control system
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- NPM - Package manager for JavaScript
- [NVM] - Node Version Manager
- N - Node.js version management
- Docker - Enterprise Container Platform for High-Velocity Innovation
- Docker Compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
- Terrafom - Write, Plan, and Create Infrastructure as Code
- Terraform Switcher - Switch between different versions of Terraform CLI
- AWS CLI - Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
- Nerd Fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher
- Oh My Zsh - Framework for managing your Zsh configuration