This is a library of tool descriptors for atmospheric science relevant tools.
The principle language supported is Common Workflow Language (CWL).
- create_run_dir: creates a run directory, from the WRF docker container, for use with WRF and REAL programs
- real: runs the REAL program, to create WRF input files
- wrf: runs the WRF model
- create_metgrid_dir: creates a run directory for the metgrid program
- create_wps_dir: creates a run directory for general wps use
- link_grib_tool: runs the linking tool for GRIB input files
- ungrib: runs the ungrib tool
- metgrid: runs the metgrid tool
- link_wrf_tool: runs a linking tool for EMEP input files taken from WRF
- emep: runs the EMEP model
- era5_download: downloads ERA5 grib files suitable for WPS processing
- create_dir_from_filelist: create directory, with a defined name, from a list of files
- extract_filelist_from_dir: generates a list of files from a given directory
This software has been developed by the Research IT at the University of Manchester.
Copyright 2022 University of Manchester, UK
Licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for details.