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Blade Components

This is a set of default Laravel Blade components we use in our web apps. They use TailwindCSS for the CSS styling.


Once you have copied them into your app, the assumption is you will write blade views that use the base layout.blade.php file as follows :

    <x-button.plain>Click Me</x-button.plain>

If you are using full-page Livewire components then there is a default resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php which just contains a simple <x-layout>.

Some more examples

<!-- info message using alpine to add a dismiss/close button at the right -->
< class="mb-4" x-data="{ show: true }" x-show="show" x-transition.opacity="">
    <span class="sr-only">Close</span>
    <button class="hover:text-gray-200" x-on:click="show = false">
        <span aria-hidden="true">
            <x-icon.close />
<!-- Basic 'media card' -->
        <svg class="h-16 w-16 border border-gray-300 bg-white text-gray-300" preserveAspectRatio="none" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 200 200" aria-hidden="true">
          <path vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" stroke-width="1" d="M0 0l200 200M0 200L200 0" />
        My Heading
    Main body of the media card, blah de blah
<!-- simple level with some items grouped at the left and the right -->
    <x-layout.level-section> <!-- left side of the level -->
        <h1 class="justify-self-start text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900">Dashboard</h1>

        <x-form.text wire:model.defer="search" with-button="true">
            <x-slot:button class="blah-de-blah" wire:click="search">

    <x-layout.level-section> <!-- right side of the level -->
        <x-button.plain>Log Out</x-button.plain>
<x-input.textarea id="textarea" name="my_textarea" label="Enter some text" help="Not too much though">{{ $originalValue }}</x-input.textarea>

< id="select" name="my_select" label="Pick something" help="From the select">
    <option value="1">This</option>
    <option value="2">That</option>

< id="radio1" name="radio_button" value="1" label="First" />
< id="radio2" name="radio_button" value="2" label="Second" />
< id="radio3" name="radio_button" value="3" label="Third" />

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4 mt-2">
    < id="radio4" name="radio_group_button" value="1" label="First" />
    < id="radio5" name="radio_group_button" value="2" label="Second" />
    < id="radio6" name="radio_group_button" value="3" label="Third" />
<!-- a vertical timeline -->
<x-layout.timeline class="w-1/2">
    <x-layout.timeline-item timestamp="13:15" icon-bg="bg-sky-500">
            <span class="text-white">
                < />
        With an icon
    <x-layout.timeline-item timestamp="Monday, 14:20">
        Without an icon, just have a plain circle placeholder instead
    <x-layout.timeline-item timestamp="Tuesday, 09:35" last="true">
        Last item, so pass "last" in.  Stops a trailing 'timeline' line dangling.
<!-- standard table -->
        @foreach ($users as $user)
            <tr @class([
                'bg-gray-50' => $loop->even,
                'transition duration-300 ease-in-out hover:bg-neutral-100',
                <>{{ $user->name }}</>
                <>{{ $user->email }}</>
                <>{{ $user->status }}</>


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