The Romanian UD treebank (called RoRefTrees) (Barbu Mititelu et al., 2016) is the reference treebank in UD format for standard Romanian.
It is based on RACAI-RoTb (Irimia and Barbu Mititelu, 2015) and on UAIC-RoTb (Perez, 2014). The distribution of text genres in RoRefTrees is not balanced: literature - 1818 sentences, law - 1606 sentences, medical - 1210 sentences, FrameNet translations - 1092 sentences, academic writing - 950 sentences, news - 933 sentences, science - 362 sentences, wikipedia - 251 sentences, miscellanea - 1301 sentences. These genres can be told apart by the sentences id.
We split the treebank as follows: the test set (ro-ud-test.conllu) is 12.5% of the whole treebank, the development set (ro-ud-dev.conllu) also 12.5%, while the rest of the treebank (75%) is the training set (ro-ud-train.conllu). The data was split in a random fashion.
The corpus is split into documents corresponding to several genres:
Legal: document ids: Acquis-b1-ttl, Acquis-b2-ttl, Acquis-b3-ttl, JRC-b1, JRC-b2, JRC-noi-b1, JRC-noi-b2, JRC-noi-b3
News: document ids: Agenda-1-300, Agenda-b1, Agenda-b2, Agenda-b3
Fiction: document ids: 1984Orwell-b1-ttl, 1984Orwell-b2-ttl, 1984Orwell-b3-ttl, 1984Orwell-b4-ttl, Literatura-1-300, Literatura-b1, Literatura-b2, Literatura-noi-b1
Medical: document ids: EMEA-b1, EMEA-b2, EMEA-b3, EMEA-noi-b1, Medical-1, Medical-2
Nonfiction: document ids: PhysicsCompSciMath
Academic: document ids: DGLR-1-300, DGLR-b1, DGLR-b2, DGLR-b3, DGLR-noi-b1
FrameNet: document ids: FrameNet-b1, FrameNet-b2, FrameNet-b3, FrameNet-b4
Wikipedia: document ids: Wikipedia-2-FirstUDRelease, Wikipedia-b1, Wikipedia-b2
Miscellanea: document ids: DTLR-b1, DTLR-b2, DTLR-b3, FirstUDRelease-ICIA, FirstUDRelease-UAIC
Tree count: 9523 Word count: 218511 Token count: 218511 Dep. relations: 50 of which 11 language specific POS tags: 17 Category=value feature pairs: 57
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1362.
Verginica Barbu Mititelu, “Modern Syntactic Analysis of Romanian”. In Ofelia Ichim, Luminiţa Botoşineanu, Daniela Butnaru, Marius-Radu Clim, Ofelia Ichim, Veronica Olariu (eds.), Clasic şi modern în cercetarea filologică românească actuală, Iaşi, Publishing House of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, 2018, pp. 67-78.
For RACAI-RoTb: Elena Irimia, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, RACAI-RoTb: nucleu de corpus de limbă română adnotat sintactic cu relaţii de dependenţă, Revista Română de Interacţiune Om-Calculator 8 (2) 2015, p. 101-120.
For UAIC-RoTb: Cenel Augusto Perez. 2014. Linguistic Resources for Natural Language Processing. (PhD thesis). Faculty of Computer Science, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi.
- UD 1.2 --> 1.3: the number of trees was considerably increased.
- UD 1.3 --> 1.4:
- increase the treebank size to 9523 sentences;
- identical sentences (disregarding punctuation and numbers) at word form level have been removed;
- added a scientific (Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science) sub-corpus to make up for the loss;
- removed all words with underscores;
- removed most of the errors reported by the content validation tool;
- extensive POS-tagging and lemmatization corrections;
- ensuring more consistent data at the lexical, morphological and syntactic levels.
- UD 1.4 --> 2.0:
- manual improvements of the annotation, concerning POS-tagging, syntactic labeling, one sentence split.
- automatic conversion to UDv2 guidelines using Udapi ( ud.Convert1to2
- automatic reconstruction of original texts (, pseudo-documents marked with newdoc markup
- re-split: train=185,113 (84.7%) tokens, dev=17,074 (7.8%) tokens, dev=16,324 (7.5%) tokens. Each pseudo-document equally distributed into train/dev/test.
- test set omitted from the UDv2.0 official release because of CoNLL 2017 shared task.
- UD 2.0 --> 2.1: no modifications to the previous version.
- UD 2.1 --> 2.2: repository renamed from UD_Romanian to UD_Romanian-RRT
- UD 2.6 --> 2.7: manual improvement of the annotations, concerning POS-tagging, syntactic labeling
- UD 2.7 --> 2.8: automatic (then manually checked) improved POS-tagging, mainly for numerals and auxiliaries; some automatic dependency relation corrections (
for nouns headed by verbs,nsubj:pass
for subjects of passive constructions). Correction scripts are in GitHub at ro-ud-autocorrect. - UD 2.8 --> 2.9: solving the verbal homography between present and past simple, the pronominal homonymy between dativ singular and accusative plural, the nominal homonymy between singular oblique cases and all cases in the plural; consistent use of the obl and nmod relations according to the guidelines.
=== Machine-readable metadata ================================================= Data available since: UD v1.2 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: wiki legal news fiction medical nonfiction academic Lemmas: automatic UPOS: converted with corrections XPOS: automatic Features: converted with corrections Relations: manual native Contributors: Barbu Mititelu, Verginica; Irimia, Elena; Perez, Cenel-Augusto; Ion, Radu; Simionescu, Radu; Popel, Martin Contributing: elsewhere Contact: ===============================================================================