Student Scheduling: Critical Course Requests / Priority Students
- added ability to boost the weight of critical course requests (StudentWeights.CriticalBoost) and
priority students (StudentWeights.PriortyBoost) - base weight is multipled by the boost parameter
- both parameters default to 1.0, no bost
- this is to make sure priority students and/or critical courses are more important when comparing
two solutions
Revision 45aa96e by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (27-Nov-2020 12:38 PM)
Student Scheduling: Student Swap
- take students in the order by their priority, only students with the same priority
- when failed, put the student back to the queue after the students with the same priority
Revision 4c8e38a by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (25-Nov-2020 7:19 PM)
Student Scheduling: Enrollment Swap
- take the unassigned requests in the order by their priority, only shuffle requests with the same
priority - critical requests or priority student first (based on solver config)
- request priority (higher priority first, substitute request last)
- when failed, put the request at back to the queue after the requests with the same priority
Revision 7f3b213 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (25-Nov-2020 7:18 PM)
Student Scheduling: Backtracking
- take the unassigned requests in the order by their priority, only shuffle requests with the same
priority - critical requests or priority student first (based on solver config)
- request priority (higher priority first, substitute request last)
- when failed, put the request at back to the queue after the requests with the same priority
Revision 57d1903 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (25-Nov-2020 7:12 PM)
Student Scheduling: IFS
- added ability to prohibit unassignment of a request of higher priority (than the request that is
being assigned)
when Neighbour.StandardCanHigherPriorityConflict is set to false (defaults to true)
Revision e97bdd5 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (24-Nov-2020 6:40 PM)
Student Scheduling: IFS
- variable selection: skip unassigned free times when selecting variables
Revision c2eef88 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (24-Nov-2020 6:39 PM)
Student Scheduling: Enrollment Swap
- listen for failed neibhours, put the failed request back into the queue
Revision aef7b66 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (22-Nov-2020 5:00 PM)
Student Scheduling: Student Swap
- avoid cycling where the same student swap keeps on repeatedly failing (very rare, but not
Revision 961a4ae by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (22-Nov-2020 4:59 PM)
Student Scheduling: IFS
- improved handing of concurrent modification errors
Revision 42c0875 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (22-Nov-2020 4:59 PM)
Student Scheduling: IFS
- added an ability to completely disable conflicting placements (no unassignments are allowed)
- added an ability to disable conflicting placements at some point during the search (e.g., two
hours before solver's timeout) - added an ability to disable this neighbourhood at some point during the search (e.g., no IFS if
less than an hour before solver's timeout)
-> this is to allow the solver some time at the end of the search to optimize the solution without
making steps that are hard to undo or resolve
Revision 77a46cc by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (20-Nov-2020 4:30 PM)
Student Scheduling: Restore Best
- added a simple step that checks whether the best solution has improved since the last check
- if there is no improvement, restore the best solution (reset the search to start from the best
solution again) - the checking is done in the seletion's initialization phase, no neighbors are actually computed
Revision 061b087 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (20-Nov-2020 4:28 PM)
Student Scheduling: MPP
- CourseRequest.isMPP() -- do not return true when the request has no initial assignment, but only
some preferences (selected choices) - this is to avoid problems when initial assignments must be kept (e.g., branch&bound does not
allow MPP request to be left unassigned)
Revision a5df083 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (19-Nov-2020 8:57 PM)
Student Scheduling: Required Sections / Configs
- CourseRequest.isRequired(Section) -- corrected the config checking when there is a section
Revision 62bfaa7 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (17-Nov-2020 9:02 AM)
Student Scheduling: Concurrent Modification
- improved handing of concurrent modification errors during backtracking (caused by a model change
during the search) - retry computation of the neighbour selection up to five times rather than skipping to the next
Revision 12657a9 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (15-Nov-2020 1:16 PM)
Student Scheduling: Branch & Bound Selection
- value ordering: always prefer enrollments that do not have a time conflict with a lower priority
course which has only a few possible enrollments (five or less) - partial comparison of enrollments that are otherwise very close to each other was breking
comparator transitivity in some cases - set OnlineStudentSectioning.TimesToAvoidHeuristics to false to swith of the time conflict
Revision 55c3eab by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (15-Nov-2020 1:12 PM)
Student Scheduling: Critical IFS
- can unassing: check student priority (do not allow unassignment of higher priority student)
- can unassign: added ability to allow/disallow unassigment of a course request of the same or
higher request priority (more critical) - by setting Neighbour.AllowCriticalUnassignment to true (defaults to false)
Revision 7290163 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (15-Nov-2020 1:09 PM)
Student Scheduling: Request Bound
- added ability to switched off the request bound adjustments implemented by commit 5d0b726
- by setting StudentWeights.ImprovedBound to false (defaults to true)
Revision c8d9df9 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (15-Nov-2020 1:04 PM)
Student Scheduling: Failed Neighbour Assignment
- backtrack and student swap now also listen for failed neibhours, putting the failed
student/request back into the queue - improving success of each phase, especially when there are higher number of solver threads
- also students are put at the beginning of the queue, ensuring that priority students are
processed first
Revision f555fa7 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (15-Nov-2020 12:59 PM)
Student Scheduling: XML Save/Load
- include course id in the current/best/initial enrollment
- this is to fix the case where a student is requesting multiple courses of a cross-listed course
as alternatives to each other
Revision 1639c6f by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (13-Nov-2020 5:16 PM)
Student Scheduling: Branch & Bound
- when a neigbour (class schedule of a student) fails to be assigned, e.g., because the last spot
in a class got taken: - put the student back at the beginning of the queue (instead of the end)
- this is to ensure that student priority is beter considered (priority student does not get
bumped at the end of the list)
Revision 4b8c09d by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (13-Nov-2020 2:06 PM)
Student Scheduling: Request Bound
- improved computation of course request bound in an attempt to improve the branching
- include penalization for arrange hours, online, selection and intitial placement if it cannot be
(e.g., when all enrollments are online)
Revision 5d0b726 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (12-Nov-2020 9:04 PM)
Course Timetabling: Same Dates Group Constraint
- added a new group constraint SAME_DATES
- given classes must be taught on the same dates
- if one of the classes meets more often, the class meeting less often can only meet on the dates
when the other class is meeting - when prohibited or (strongly) discouraged: given classes cannot be taught on the same days
(there cannot be a date when both classes are meeting) - note: unlike with the same days/weeks constraint, this constraint consider individual meeting
dates of both classes
Revision 0e491d2 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (11-Nov-2020 6:04 PM)
Student Scheduling: Branch & Bound Selection
- value ordering: among enrollments that are otherwise very close to each other (in terms of their
value), prefer those that do not have a time conflict with a lower priority course which has
only a few possible enrollments (five or less)
Revision 835f055 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (11-Nov-2020 5:34 PM)
Student Scheduling: Priority Students
- student priority changed from being a boolean (priority yes/no) to have five layers of priority
students - named Priority > Senior > Junior > Sophomore > Freshmen > Normal (no priority)
- students of higher priority are assigned before students of lower priority
- combined with course request priority depending on
Sectioning.PriorityStudentsFirstSelection.AllIn - when true, student priority takes precedence Critical Priority > Non-Critical Priority >
Critical Senior ... - when false, request priority takes precedence Critical Priority > Critical Senior > ... >
Non-Critical Priority ...
Revision 6891ac1 by tomas-muller muller@unitime.org (6-Oct-2020 3:40 PM)