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Zeeland's core infrastructure serves the following frameworks:

Lib Description
Cogit LLM MultiAgent task inference and autonomous orchestration framework/Comming soon
Promptulate A LLM application and Agent development framework.
Gcop Your git AI copilot.


The following libraries are under development and will be released soon:

Lib Description
UACP Universal Agent Communication Protocol.
P3G Python Package Project Generator.
cushy-storage A lightweight ORM framework that provides disk caching for Python objects.
omnius A lightweight event bus framework. You can easily build a powerful event bus in your project.
cushy-socket A Python socket library. You can create a TCP/UDP connection easily.
imarkdown A practical Markdown image URL converter.
cushy-serial A lightweight Python serial library. You can create a serial program easily.
ecjtu ecjtu API SDK service, best practices for client SDK design.

Why build it?

There are two main challenges in Zeeland's Python library development:

  1. Reducing Circular Dependencies: The framework provides a structured way to manage and minimize circular dependencies between components, making the codebase more maintainable and easier to reason about.

  2. Reusable Common Logic: As the developer of multiple Python libraries, I found myself repeatedly implementing similar patterns and utilities. Zeeland extracts these common elements into a shared infrastructure, allowing better maintenance and consistency across different frameworks and libraries.


  • Logger: A logger framework that can record exceptions and log messages to different files based on the framework.
  • Singleton: A singleton pattern implementation.
  • Project Metadata: A metadata framework that can record the project's metadata and save it to the default storage path.

Quick start

Conda package manager is recommended. Create a conda environment.

conda create -n zeeland python==3.10

Activate conda environment and install poetry

conda activate zeeland
pip install poetry

Basic Usage

Create a metadata file in the default storage path.

import json
import os

from zeeland import get_default_storage_path

def main():
    storage_path = get_default_storage_path("test")
    metadata_path = os.path.join(storage_path, "metadata.json")

    metadata = {"name": "test", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Test metadata file"}

    with open(metadata_path, "w") as f:
        json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4)

    print(f"Created metadata file at: {metadata_path}")
    with open(metadata_path, "r") as f:
        print(json.dumps(json.load(f), indent=4))

if __name__ == "__main__":

The metadata file will be saved in the default storage path, which is ~/.zeeland/test/metadata.json.

Singleton usage

from zeeland import Singleton, singleton

class TestSingleton:

instance1 = TestSingleton()
instance2 = TestSingleton()

assert instance1 is instance2

class TestSingletonWithArgs(metaclass=Singleton):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

instance1 = TestSingletonWithArgs("test1")
instance2 = TestSingletonWithArgs("test2")

assert instance1 is instance2
assert instance1.value == "test1"

Logger usage

from zeeland import Logger

logger = Logger("test_framework")"Hello, Zeeland!")

Then you can see the log file in the default storage path. In this case, it is ~/.zeeland/test_framework/logs/{current_date}.log.

Makefile usage

Makefile contains a lot of functions for faster development.

Install all dependencies and pre-commit hooks

Install requirements:

make install

Pre-commit hooks coulb be installed after git init via

make pre-commit-install

Codestyle and type checks

Automatic formatting uses ruff.

make format

Codestyle checks only, without rewriting files:

make check-codestyle

Note: check-codestyle uses ruff and darglint library

Code security

If this command is not selected during installation, it cannnot be used.

make check-safety

This command launches Poetry integrity checks as well as identifies security issues with Safety and Bandit.

make check-safety

Tests with coverage badges

Run pytest

make test

All linters

Of course there is a command to run all linters in one:

make lint

the same as:

make check-codestyle && make test && make check-safety


make docker-build

which is equivalent to:

make docker-build VERSION=latest

Remove docker image with

make docker-remove

More information about docker.


Delete pycache files

make pycache-remove

Remove package build

make build-remove

Delete .DS_STORE files

make dsstore-remove

Remove .mypycache

make mypycache-remove

Or to remove all above run:

make cleanup

πŸ›‘ License


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

πŸ“ƒ Citation

  author = {zeeland},
  title = {zeeland frameworks core infra},
  year = {2024},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}}

Credits πŸš€ Your next Python package needs a bleeding-edge project structure.

This project was generated with P3G


zeeland python framework core infra



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