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Ulysses edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 11 revisions


EmtMake is in preview state, so it's normal if failed. Issues may not get fixed.

EmtMake is a tool to decompile (recover) EMT PSB to MMO(emtproj) project. You can consider PSB as a compiled exe, then the MMO is like a sln project file which can be opened by editor (mmo -> EMT Editor / sln -> Visual Studio).


EmtMake works best when input is a pure krkr PSB. It also supports some pure win/common PSBs. The PSB must have textures inside. For external texture PSBs, you must link textures into the PSB using PsBuild.


FreeMote EmtMake feature (including MmoBuilder) requires CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license for output.

  • BY: You should keep FreeMote & author info in MMO comments (metadata), and attach FreeMote & author info when you release anything produced by FreeMote.
  • NC: No commercial usage allowed.
  • SA: If you remixed the MMO, the remixed MMO/PSB still follows this license.

Export images from EMT PSB

  1. Get an EMT Editor.
  2. Use EmtMake to convert PSB to MMO.
  3. Open MMO with EMT Editor, then figure out how to export images by yourself.
  4. If EMT Editor crashes, don't expect me to fix it. You can still submit samples though.
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