Curated list of scientific Blockchain Conferences and Journals, ordered by submission deadline.
Note 2023-02.27: Archived because out of date.
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- Dateformat: dd/mm/yyyy
- Sorted by: Deadline ASC
Conference | Acronym | Track (if required) | Place | Date | Submission Deadline | Link to Website |
16th International Conference on Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) | WI2021 | online (Essen, Germany) | 09/03/2021 → 11/03/2021 | 28/08/2020 | www | |
22nd ACM/IFIP Middleware 2021 Conference | Middleware | Quebec, Canada | 06/12/2021 → 10/12/2021 | 01/12/2020 | www | |
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency | ICBC 2021 | online (Sydney, Australia) | 03/05/2021 → 06/05/2021 | 04/12/2020 | www | |
4th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain | WETSEB | online (Madrid, Spain) | 23/05/2021 → 29/05/2021 | 19/01/2021 | www | |
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing | ACM PODC 2021 | online (Salerno, Italy) | 26/07/2021 → 30/07/2021 | 11/02/2021 | www | |
ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | ACM SACMAT 2021 | online (Barcelona, Spain) | 16/06/2021 → 18/06/2021 | 15/02/2021 | www | |
4th Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies | BSCT 2021 | Hannover, Germany | 15/06/2021 → 17/06/2021 | 21/02/2021 | www | |
The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering | ESEC/FSE 2021 | Athens, Greece | 23/08/2021 → 27/08/2021 | 25/02/2021 | www | |
34th Bled eConference | Bled | Blockchain Technologies Track | online (Bled, Slovenia) | 27/06/2021 → 30/06/2021 | 01/03/2021 | www |
Americas Conference on Information Systems | AMCIS 2021 | Global Development Track | Montreal, Canada | 09/08/2021 → 13/08/2021 | 01/03/2021 | www |
17th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks | EAI SecureComm 2021 | Distributed ledger technologies (blockchain and cryptocurrencies) | online / Canterbury, Great Britain | 06/09/2021 → 09/09/2021 | 15/03/2021 | www |
19th Int. Conference on Business Process Management | BPM 2021 | Blockchain Forum | Rome, Italy | 06/09/2021 → 10/09/2021 | 15/03/2021 | www |
The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security | ARES 2021 | Vienna, Austria | 17/08/2021 → 20/08/2021 | 25/03/2021 | www | |
The 16th International Workshop on Security | IWSEC 2021 | online (Tokyo, Japan) | 08/09/2021 → 10/09/2021 | 29/03/2021 | www | |
Semantics 2021 | SEMANTiCS | Call for Subtopics Blockchain | virtual (Amsterdam) | 06/09/2021 → 09/09/2021 | 29/03/2021 | www |
3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services | BRAINS | Paris, France | 27/09/2021 → 30/09/2021 | 31/03/2021 | www | |
4th Workshop on Blockchains for Inter-Organizational Collaboration | BIOC'21 | Tallinn, Estonia | 21/06/2021 → 21/06/2021 | 31/03/2021 | www | |
2021 International Conference on Big Data and Blockchain | ICBDB 2021 | Beijing, China | 03/12/2021 → 05/12/2021 | 10/04/2021 | www | |
The 20th International Semantic Web Conference | ISWC 2021 | Research Track | online | 24/10/2021 → 28/10/2021 | 12/04/2021 | www |
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures | IEEE DAPPS 2021 | online | 23/08/2021 → 26/08/2021 | 27/04/2021 | www | |
5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things | IEEE SmartIoT 2021 | Track 7. Blockchain and Emerging research or Technologies | Jeju Island, South Korea | 13/08/2021 → 15/08/2021 | 01/05/2021 | www |
28th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | ACM CCS 2021 | Seoul, South Korea | 14/11/2021 → 19/11/2021 | 06/05/2021 | www | |
IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY ON THE BLOCKCHAIN | IEEE S&B 2021 | online | 07/09/2021 → 11/09/2021 | 14/05/2021 | www | |
5th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning | RuleML+RR 2021 | Leuven, Belgium | 08/09/2021 → 15/09/2021 | 13/06/2021 | www | |
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | HICSS-55 | Software Technology - Blockchain Engineering Minitrack | Lahaina, Hawaii, USA | 04/01/2022 → 07/01/2022 | 15/06/2021 | www |
5th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology | CBT 2021 | Darmstadt, Germany | 04/10/2021 → 08/10/2021 | 16/07/2021 | www | |
International Conference on Applied Technologies | ICAT 2021 | Technology Trends | Sto Domingo, Ecuador | 27/10/2021 → 29/10/2021 | 01/08/2021 | www |
19th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust | PST2021 | Auckland, New Zealand | 13/12/2021 → 15/12/2021 | 16/08/2021 | www | |
8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy | ICISSP 2022 | Vienna, Austria | 09/02/2022 → 11/02/2022 | 14/09/2021 | www | |
5h Blockchain Autumn School 2021 | BAS2021 | online | 13/09/2021 → 17/09/2021 | TBD | www | |
18th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications | AICCSA 2021 | Track 3: Security, Privacy, Trust / Track 8: Parallel and Distributed Systems | online (Tangier, Morrocco) | 08/11/2021 → 11/11/2021 | TBD | www |
Australasian Conference on Information Systems | ACIS 2021 | Sydney, Australia | 06/12/2021 → 10/12/2021 | TBD | www |
List of past Blockchain Conferences and Journals (without information regarding a 2021 event, as at 10/03/2021)
Conference | Acronym | Track (if required) | Place | Date | Submission Deadline | Link to Website |
The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security | IWBIS 2019 | Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia | 11/10/2019 | 26/07/2019 | www | |
The 20th International Conference on Cryptology in India | INDOCRYPT 2019 | Hyderabad, India | 15/12/2019 → 18/12/2019 | 01/08/2019 | www | |
The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Research for Blockchain Economy | MARBLE 2020 | Vilamoura, Portugal | 24/08/2020 → 26/08/2020 | 30/01/2020 | www | |
14th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems | DB&IS 2020 | Tallinn, Estonia | 16/06/2020 → 19/06/2020 | 02/03/2020 | www | |
The International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications | BCCA 2020 | Antalyal, Turkey | 02/11/2020 → 05/11/2020 | 25/05/2020 | www | |
MIT Press - Cryptoeconomic Systems Journal | journal only | 31/05/2020 | www | |||
The 2020IEEE International Conference on Blockchain | Blockchain-2020 | Rhode Island, Greece | 02/11/2020 → 06/11/2020 | 15/06/2020 | www | |
3rd International Workshop on Future Perspective of Decentralized APPlications | FPDAPP 2020 | Warsaw, Poland | 24/08/2020 → 25/08/2020 | 07/06/2020 | www | |
The 12th International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery | CyberC 2020 | Workshop on Blockchain | Chongqing, China | 17/09/2020 → 19/09/2020 | 21/06/2020 | www |
Crypto Economics Security Conference | CESC | San Francisco, USA | 29/09/2018 → 30/09/2018 | 28/06/2020 | www | |
The 2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology | WI-IAT '20 | Track 4: Web of Trust | Melbourne, Australia | 14/12/2020 → 17/12/2020 | 01/07/2020 | www |
Governance of Blockchain and DLT Systems – Status Quo and the Future of Decentralized Science | FrontiersIN | Journal only | 02/07/2020 | www | ||
27th International Conference on COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS | CoopIS 2020 | Topic 4: Security and Privacy | Rhodes, Greece | 28/10/2020 → 30/10/2020 | 15/07/2020 | www |
2nd International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Distributed Ledger Technologies | MOD-DLT | Vienna, Austria | 03/11/2020 → 06/11/2020 | 27/07/2020 | www | |
The 25th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems | Nordsec 2020 | Linköping, Sweden | 23/11/2020 → 25/11/2020 | 25/08/2020 | www | |
Establishing Self Sovereign Identity with Blockchain | FrontiersIN | Journal only | 05/10/2020 | www | ||
Special Issue "Advances in Blockchain Technologies towards Identity Management and Its Applications in ICT and IoT" | MDPI | Journal only | 31/12/2020 | www | ||
5th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts | WTSC | virtual | 05/03/2021 | 23/12/2020 | www |