This tiny utility generates a JS-related technical test to be performed by interviewees during a developer recruitement process. It tests the knowledge about common pitfalls and edgy behaviours of Javascript, allowing to get a glance at the seniority of a JS developer. See below an example of a generated test.
- Add more test snippets
- Case sensitivity
- async/await
- map/reduce
- Add answers+explanation in snippets source
- Filter out answers+explanation from snippets when generating test
- Utility to provide the result of a performed test
- Percentage of success
- Answers and explanation for each test snippet
node >= 8
Clone repo, run npm install
Use the following command to generate a new test in the tests
./generate --name "Han Solo" --num 2
: Number of code snippets to include in the test (Optional, default:10
: String, name of candidate (Optional, default:John Doe
: Path of generated test file (Optional, default:./tests/
See below the generated test for the command ./generate --name "Han Solo" --num 2
// Hi Han Solo!
// This test contains 2 code snippets.
// For each of this snippet, you have one or more question to answer.
// One or many answer may apply to the questions.
// Good luck, and have fun! :)
// -----------------------------------
// Snippet #1
// Given this code (executed in a browser):
var isDifferent = function (a, b) {
return a != b;
console.log(isDifferent(2, "2"));
// What do you think may happen:
// 1. [ ] Logs `true` in console
// 2. [ ] Logs `false` in console
// -----------------------------------
// Snippet #2
// Given this code (executed in a browser):
var foo = function () {
var n = 42;
// What do you think may happen:
// 1. [ ] ReferenceError: n is not defined
// 2. [ ] Nothing
// 3. [ ] Logs `42` in console
// 4. [ ] Logs `null` in console
// 5. [ ] Logs `undefined` in console
// Test generated on 2017-09-14 for candidate Han Solo.