SMTPClient(Secrets secrets)
SMTPClient(string TenantId, string ClientId, string ClientSecret)
async Task GetGraphServiceClientMe() // Get for ME
async Task GetGraphServiceClientUsers() // Get for USERS
static Message MakeMessage(string torecipient, string subject, string body) // Html, single recipient
static Message MakeMessage(string[] torecipients, string subject, string body) // Html, multiple recipients
static Message MakeMessage(string[] torecipients, string[] ccrecipients, string[] bccrecipients, string subject, string body) // Html, multiple to, cc, bcc
static Message MakeMessage(string[] torecipients, string[] ccrecipients, string[] bccrecipients, string subject, string body, BodyType bodyType) // multiple to, cc, bcc
async Task SendMailMe(Message message) // Sent by ME
async Task SendMailMe(Message message, bool SaveToSent) // Sent by ME, save it to sent items
async Task SendMailUsers(string senderUpn, Message message) // Sent by senderUpn
async Task SendMailUsers(string senderUpn, Message message, bool SaveToSent)// Sent by senderUpn, save it to sent items
Sending as logged in user. Requires CODE login since it uses DeviceCodeCredential to connect to your user account.
Azure App setup:
- Register app, name, etc.
- Api permission: Mail.Send, delegated. Grant admin concent.
- Create secret
- Authentication -> Allow public client flows (enable)
Sending as typed username (upn or objectId). Requires that the "target" user has an mailbox.
Azure App setup:
- Register app, name, etc.
- Api permission: Mail.Send, application. Grant admin concent.
- Create secret.
To support my testclient
- secret.json file
- application.json
- application.development.json
One of them is required.
"SmtpMe": {
"TenantId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"AppName": "Personal Email Sender",
"ClientId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ClientSecret": "yoursecret"
"SmtpUsers": {
"TenantId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"AppName": "Anonymous Email Sender",
"ClientId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",,
"ClientSecret": "yoursecret"