Blog app developed with Django, Bulma CSS, Contentful & Heroku. Contentful is used for content infrastructure management for the application. The Contentful web app is an easy-to-use editor for authoring content. A non technical user easily create and update content for the web app using Contentful. Content published is automatically deployed to the web app using the content API.
Contentful follows an API-first approach, which means that all of its functionality is provided by an API. Blog information (such as id, date, title, slug, blog text in markdown and image) are modelled as content on the Contentful web app. The Python SDK for Contentful is used to import the content as objects.
The application is hosted on Heroku.
The application database is a Heroku Postgres db. Emails submitted on the web app for subcribing to the newsletter are inserted as a record in the Heroku database. Duplicate emails are not accepted. Only valid emails are inserted in the database.
The application uses a Heroku GitHub pipeline for continous development. Changes pushed to the main branch are automatically deployed to production.
The application was developed using Bulma CSS Framework template.
For security the application uses environment variables to store secret keys, passwords and other sensitive data.