Articulated robotic hand designed for sign language interpretation Continuation from the SLEARH project:
- Open CR;
- 1 usb to micro usb;
- 1 drive for the motors ( (PCA-96 85) link:;
- 12 electrical step motors ((Smraza 9G Micro Servo Motor) link:;
- RaspberryPi 3B+;
- Micro-SD card (for RPi image);
- 2 Dynamixel XL-430;
- A voltage source with a current limit of more than 2 A;
- 12 V power source, to 5.1mm center positive barrel jack;
- Piece of plywood 30cm by 30cm (optional, but recommended);
- Python 3.7(installed for this gitProject, but not necessarily needed);
- Python Library:
- pySerial;
- tkinter;
- Arduino IDE for the compiler;
- Arduino Library:
- Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h;
- ArduinoJson.h;
- Wire.h; (But they all should be downloaded with the plateformio.ini) -Qt (5.7.1 or newer)
- Read the Mechanics/ for informations on how to build the hand;
- Read the Electrics/ for informations on how to plug the motors and the drive on the arduino;
- Read the Interface/ for informations on how to use the interface
- Read the Speech_to_text/ for informations on how to install the necessary librairies for the speech-to-text and create a key for the API connection
- Install your favorite python IDE;
- Open this git repo in a new project and create a python RunTool for script (that's where the application starts);
- Install pySerial on your computer (it will appears in your python /Lib/*); (Now, your python side of the project should be up to run)
- Install VsCode on your computer;
- Install plateformio and ArduinoIDE in your vscode;
- Set your Arduino_debug.exe path in your VsCode setups;
- Build the project one first time (and it should load all the needed libraries); (Now, your Arduino side of the project should be up to run)
- Import OpenCr library as shown in this video:
- Plug the Arduino to your computer and start the to start the application and the Arduino thread!
Flash your Micro-SD card with an up to date RPi image running a linux operating system (you can flash your Micro-SD card with this tool:;
Connect your Micro-SD card in your RPi and open it with an internet cable or via VMWare for example;
On the first RPi's run, set your preferences;
Now, open a terminal and instal python 3.6 (or niewer, this could take some time) (this link could be usefull:;
Install the PySerial library with: $ sudo apt-get install pyserial
If you're connected to your RPi via VMWare or ssh, run this command:
- $ export DISPLAY=:0
Create your project directory where you want it on your RPi:
- $ mkdir "PROJECT NAME"
- $ git clone "THE PROJECT'S LINK"
- $ git pull
The project should now be copied locally onto your RPi;
Now go to the project's path on your RPi and run the program through a terminal:
- $ python