This repository contains the Dockerfiles required to build the example images provided for the Digital Mammography DREAM Challenge.
- caffe-gpu (Repository, Website)
- tensorflow-gpu (Repository, Website)
- theano-gp (Repository, Website)
- keras-gpu (Repository, Website)
- matlab-runtime-gpu (Repository, Website)
- dm-preprocess-png: resizes and converts the images to PNG (Repository)
- dm-preprocess-lmdb: resizes and saves the images to a Lightning Memory-mapped Database (Repository)
- dm-preprocess-caffe: prepares the data before training a Caffe model (Repository)
- dm-train-caffe: trains an AlexNet or GoogLeNet model using Caffe (Repository)
- dm-train-tensorflow
- dm-train-keras
TODO: Add description on how to set environment variables (e.g. RANDOM_SEED)