This repository holds materials for the DSI 2018-2019 bootcamp.
July 9, Monday: Pete Alonzi, lp2a
- 8:30 to 9:15am, Welcome: Breakfast, Prep for computing
- 9:30 to 11:45am, Class
- 11:45am to 1pm, Lunch
- 1pm to 4pm, Class
- Topics: Linux, CLI, Bash, SSH, Cygwin, GitHub, Prep for R/Python, Intro to R Studio, Jupyter
July 10, Tuesday: Clay Ford, jcf2d
- 9 to 9:30am, Troubleshooting
- 9:30am to 11:45am, Class
- 11:45am to 1pm, Lunch
- 1pm to 4pm, Class
- Topics: R
July 11, Wednesday: Jim Harrison, jhh5y
- 9 to 9:30am, Troubleshooting
- 9:30am to 11:45am, Class
- 11:45am to 1pm, Lunch
- 1pm to 4pm, Class
- Topic: Python (v 3.6)
July 12, Thursday: Raf Alvarado, rca2t
- 9 to 9:30m, Troubleshooting
- 9:30 am to 11:45am, Class
- 12 to 1pm, Lunch
- Topic: Programmer's Text Editors