Releases: USEPA/standardizedinventories
What's Changed
- Incorporates esupy for requests for increased consistency (see #145)
- Simplifies downloading of RCRAInfo, special install no longer needed (resolves #146)
- addresses SRS migration (#142)
- add kwargs to other stewicombo fxns to access additional parameters in
- expands testing to GHGRP and RCRAInfo
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2
Data Products
- Stewicombo data products for 2012-2020 for air, ground, and water emissions.
What's Changed
- Update chemical matcher from all v1.1 data products
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
Data Products
Updated data products for all covered years available for DMR, GHGRP, eGRID, NEI, and TRI (RCRAinfo not updated).
What's Changed
- Integrates secondary compartment/context assignment for air emissions in NEI and TRI by @a-w-beck, @bl-young (#106, #134). See install instructions
- Updates inventory files for recent data years by @bl-young (#135)
- Updates DMR to use CSV instead of JSON (#139)
- Implement pathlib for path management. Requires esupy >= 0.3.0.
Bug fixes
- resolves "variable called before assignment" error when TRI preferred over DMR in stewicombo by @vlahm (#125)
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- fixed typo by @Greatest125 in #111
- Hotfix to datasource issues (#121, #122) by @bl-young in #123
- resolve #127 force all columns as caps by @bl-young in #128
- update xml tag for table row count to resolve #131 by @bl-young in #132
New Contributors
- @Greatest125 made their first contribution in #111
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
What's Changed
- New action to create downloadable artifacts for inventories (#105)
- Revisions to DMR error handling (#107)
Data relevant for 2017 combined inventories posted to Data Commons
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4
Standardized Emission and Waste Inventories (StEWI)
StEWI is a collection of Python modules that provide processed USEPA facility-based emission and waste generation inventory data in standard tabular formats. The standard outputs may be further aggregated or filtered based on given criteria, and can be combined based on common facility and flows across the inventories.
StEWI consists of a core module, stewi
, that digests and provides the USEPA inventory data in standard formats. Two matcher modules, the facilitymatcher
and chemicalmatcher
, provide commons IDs for facilities and flows across inventories, which is used by the stewicombo
module to combine the data, and optionally remove overlaps and remove double counting of groups of chemicals based on user preferences.
StEWI can process data from the following datasets:
- Discharge Monitoring Reports
- Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
- Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database
- National Emissions Inventory
- RCRA Biennial Report
- Toxic Release Inventory
What's Changed
- integrate github actions for install testing in #90
- add StewiFormat class to manage format specifications in #91
- update GHGRP data files for 2020 data release in #94
- use jupyter notebook for examples of running stewi and stewicombo
- improved error handling
New Contributors
- @matthewlchambers
- @a-w-beck
- Review provided by @andychase and @dpgraham4401
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v1.0.0