ChalkBox is a tool for processing and marking programming assignment submissions.
Common use cases include running automated tests and static analysis tools on submitted code.
Integrates with Gradescope
ChalkBox has been redesigned to work with the Gradescope autograder platform. ChalkBox runs on a single submission, so students can receive instant feedback every time they submit.
Easy to use
Configuration for ChalkBox and its engines is specified in human-readable YAML, but can be easily generated using the web-based interface of Quickscope.
A simple yet flexible Engine API allows the creation of new engines for different programming languages and use cases.
Javadoc for the source code of ChalkBox and guides for working with and extending ChalkBox can be found at
ChalkBox is copyright Brae Webb, Emily Bennett, Ella de Lore, Max Miller, Evan Hughes and Nicholas Lambourne.
The ChalkBox logo is copyright Anna Truffet.