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This is the HPC Content Drupal site; forked from GHO 2022 on 3 October 2022.

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HPC Content Module

This is the drupal 9 codebase for the HPC Content Module site.

HPC Content Module is the content backend for the Humanitarian Actions site.


The main content type for the site is the article (node) which is mainly composed of paragraphs. Articles can contain sub-articles (nested articles).

Other content types that have their own pages are the stories (short text, video and/or image) and the achievements. Those are mainly shown inside articles but have pages for social media sharing purposes.

The paragraphs that can be used inside an articles are:

  • Achievement: A reference to an achievement node
  • Bottom figures row: A list of figures with a label and a value
  • Facts and figures: A list of images with a short text
  • Further reading: A list of external links with their source
  • Interactive content: A graph/table/map embed from datawrapper
  • Needs and requirements: A reference to a needs and requirements term
  • Photo gallery: A gallery with up to 4 photos and a description
  • Section index: Essentially a table of content with a list of articles
  • Separator: A simple line separator
  • Signature: USG's signature
  • Story: A reference to a story node
  • Sub-article: A reference to another article node
  • Text: A text paragraph with optional footnotes

In addition the system has a few taxonmy terms:

  • Appeals: Type of appeal like RRP, 3RP etc.
  • Interactive content type: Graph, Map etc.
  • Needs and requirements: "People in Need", "People targeted" and "Requirements" figures
  • Section: Section an article belongs to, like "Introduction"
  • Story type: "Story from the field", "Multimedia" etc.

and media types:

  • Author: An author with an image, name and title
  • Image: An image with a description and credits
  • Video: A youtube video with credits

Paragraphs are arranged inside an article using the layout paragraphs module which provides a more intuitive interface than the default paragraph widget, in addition to its core layout selection feature which is, however, not used.


The site is multilingual with English as default language and allowing Arabic, French and Spanish translations.

Views have been created to provide overviews of the publication and translation status of the different entities (nodes, media, terms) used on the site with links to create, edit or view those entities in different languages.


The site uses the DSS common design and views and paragraphs for the content.

Theme customizations are in the Common design subtheme. The site extensively uses CSS components. See the README for more details.


The main contrib modules for this site are the paragraphs related ones (see composer file.

In addition, the site has several custom modules. Most of the modules prefixed with gho_ have been inherited from the former GHO site, of which this site has been forked. The modules prefixed with ncms_ are specific to the functioning of this site as a content backend.

  • GHO Access

    The gho_access module provides granular view permissions for node and media entities as well as handling the access to images on public pages, and a permission to assign roles. This module also controls the visibility of content in a given language based on the published and promoted status of the homepage in that language.

  • GHO Download

    The gho_download module provides a route to have permanent download links of the PDF version of an article (when available).

  • GHO Fields

    The gho_fields module provides various field formatters, widgets and templates for example to format and translate needs and requirements figures, embed datawrapper graphs etc.

  • GHO Figures

    The gho_figures module provides facilities to import needs and requirements figures from a spreadsheet.

  • GHO Footnotes

    The gho_footnotes module provides extraction and formatting of footnotes from text paragraphs and stories.

  • GHO General

    The gho_general module provides tests of the site as well as general customizations like "add content" action links for the different content admin pages (/admin/content), a custom translation manager to keep the admin UI in English, blocks for the header and footer and handling of youtube videos embeds.

  • GHO GraphQL

    The gho_graphql module provides a GraphQL API that allows external access to published content.

  • GHO Layouts

    The gho_layouts module provides addition layouts to use with modules relying on the Layout API to arrange display (ex: layout builder module or layout_paragraphs in the case of GHO). This module provides notably a layout plugin to handle configurable grids with any number of areas. Note: This not really used.

  • NCMS Publisher

    The ncms_publisher module provides a "publisher" entity that allows the definition of external content consumers. Defining a "publisher" allows this external service to better integrate its workflow with this site.


    The ncms_ui module provides UI additions that allow this site to function as a backend-only site. Full page node views are disabled and replaced with modal previews. Login is required for any interaction with the site.

The site has 1 more custom module that could/should be separated from this site codebase to be independent module that other sites could use:

  • Linked Responsive Image Media Formatter

    The linked_responsive_image_media_formatter module, in addition to competing for the longest module name, provides a formatter for image media types. This formatter can be used to display the image using responsive image styles and with extended linking options: link to content, link to media, link to image and custom link that can use tokens. It also offers the opion to set a custom alt text using tokens as well and an option to display the image as background for the link, using the alt text as text for the link.

    In the case of this site, this formatter is used to link placeholder images to datawrapper pages.


Some notes related to the initial installation and development are available in the file.

Local development

HPC Content Module (CM) uses docksal which is a web-development environment based on docker.

Install docksal:

You will need to create a local environment file in the ./.docksal folder and adjust it to match your local requirements.

touch ./.docksal/docksal-local.env

Refer to ./.docksal/default.docksal-local.env for required environment variables.

Once the above steps are complete, from the project root, run:

fin init-site

This will install all required packages via composer and setup the local settings files.

For docksal to run, you will need to stop any other webserver or service on your system that might bind to port 80.


A database has been created automatically as part of the stack setup above.

Pull a database dump from here to get a fresh copy and seed your local database.


Using docksal, you can run any composer command as fin composer {COMMAND}.


Drush commands can be run as fin drush {COMMAND}. Eg:

fin drush cr

Local testing

Run local test via docksal

fin phpunit

You can follow what happens in the selenium controlled browser during functional and javascript tests by going to this url


Run the tests as they would in GitHub Actions
