The Challenges
Challenge 1 - Covid-19 - Open Challenge
Covid-19 has been the biggest challenge in the past year. We are now entering a new phase: vaccination. This may change the patterns of the pandemic. Some of the research questions are:
- How can we measure the social economic impact of COVID-19?
- How can we identify government crisis response to COVID-19, specifically in regions like - South Africa, Namibia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, and Rwanda Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Ukraine, and Zambia?
- How do we measure the impact of COVID-19 public safety responses such as social distancing and curfews?
- How do we forecast the impact of phased vaccination cycles globally?
These are all open questions. You are not limited to these questions, this is an open challenge.
Challenge 2 - Refugee Crisis - Predict Forced Displacement Challenge
Appropriate and timely planning figures on displaced populations are central to effective policy-related decision-making with respect to response, budgeting, funding appeals, programming, and resource allocation of humanitarian organizations. However, producing reliable estimates of forced displacement at the country level is very challenging, mainly due to limited access to detailed information at this level and the uncertainty that is related to displacement flows.
Additionally, when it comes to predicting forcibly displaced migration flows in the long run, statistical modeling has, for the most part, proven inadequate as quantitative approaches need to take into account rare, highly uncertain, and unquantifiable factors, such as the occurrence of a political crisis or of a conflict that could trigger mass movements of people.
Nevertheless, if global forced displacement flows are the most challenging to forecast, they are perhaps also those where accurate predictions can help create the most value added and to save lives, by allowing governments and NGOs to conduct a better-informed allocation of humanitarian resources.
The purpose of the assignment is to develop a model to forecast future stock figures of forcibly displaced persons by country of origin 5 years from now. The total number of displaced of any country should be disaggregated between those displaced internally within the country (IDP), those displaced abroad that obtained refugee status (REF), and those that requested asylum and are still waiting for a decision (ASY).
Challenge 3 - UN75 - Visualization Challenge
Celebrating the UN’s 75th anniversary, we propose the following challenge – Our vision is a world where the people and the planet get the support they need – in the moments that matter most. The UN ecosystem as a whole focuses on maximizing the value of our data responsibly.
The United Nations envisions to deliver the following decade of actions - Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030:
- Climate action
- Gender equality
- Peace, justice and strong institutions
With this in mind:
- Visualize the United Nations accomplishments for the last 75 years.
- Explore the impact the United Nations has made in the last 75 years.
- Identify and share insights on how the SDG goals have been implemented globally thus far.
Creativity is fully encouraged - any interesting or novel ways to look at and segment the data will be valuable and engaging for all.