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Ned Henry edited this page Jun 6, 2014 · 1 revision


History Log plugin class

  • Class name: HistoryLogPlugin
  • Namespace:
  • Parent class: Omeka_Plugin_AbstractPlugin



protected array $_hooks = array('install', 'uninstall', 'after_save_item', 'before_save_item', 'define_acl', 'before_delete_item', 'admin_items_show', 'initialize', 'admin_head')
  • Visibility: protected


protected array $_filters = array('admin_navigation_main')
  • Visibility: protected



void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookDefineAcl()(array $args)

Define the plugin's access control list.

  • Visibility: public


  • $args array - <p>Parameters supplied by the hook</p>


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookInitialize()()

Load the helper class when the plugin loads

  • Visibility: public


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookAdminHead()()

Load the plugin javascript when admin section loads

  • Visibility: public


array HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::filterAdminNavigationMain()(array $nav)

Add the History Log link to the admin main navigation.

  • Visibility: public


  • $nav array - <p>Navigation array.</p>


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookInstall()()

When the plugin installs, create the database tables to store the logs

  • Visibility: public


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookUninstall()()

When the plugin uninstalls, delete the database tables which store the logs

  • Visibility: public


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookBeforeSaveItem()(array $args)

When an item is saved, determine whether it is a new item or an item update. If it is an update, log the event.

Otherwise, wait until after the save.

  • Visibility: public


  • $args array - <p>An array of parameters passed by the hook</p>


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookAfterSaveItem()(array $args)

When an item is saved, determine whether it is a new item or an item update. If it is a new item, log the event.

  • Visibility: public


  • $args array - <p>An array of parameters passed by the hook</p>


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookBeforeDeleteItem()(array $args)

When an item is deleted, log the event.

  • Visibility: public


  • $args array - <p>An array of parameters passed by the hook</p>


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::hookAdminItemsShow()(array $args)

Show the 5 most recent events in the item's history on the item's admin page

  • Visibility: public


  • $args array - <p>An array of parameters passed by the hook</p>


void HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::_logItem()(Object $item, string $type, string $value)

Create a new log entry

  • Visibility: private


  • $item Object - <p>The Omeka item to log</p>
  • $type string - <p>The type of event to log (e.g. "create", "update")</p>
  • $value string - <p>An extra piece of type specific data for the log</p>


array HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::_findChanges()(Object $item)

If an item is being updated, find out which elements are being altered

  • Visibility: private


  • $item Object - <p>The updated omeka item record</p>


string HistoryLogPlugin::\HistoryLogPlugin::_getTitle()(int $itemID)

Retrieves the title of an item by itemID

  • Visibility: private


  • $itemID int - <p>The id of the item to log</p>