Basic utility programs for MARC records, written in C.
All programs should be easily compilable with gcc. Example:
gcc marcview.c -o marcview
Creates a tab-delimited file, one line for each subfield, for every MARC record in a file.
USAGE: build_marc_subfield_file input_marc_file output_subfield_file
Format of output: 6 columns, tab-delimited. Columns:
# Record id (from 001 field); 0 if no 001
# Field sequence: integer representing position of that field in the current record
# Subfield sequence: integer representing position of that subfield in the current field
# Indicators: string containing the indicators (if field is 010-999) or empty string for LDR and 000-009 fields
# Tag and subfield: string containing the 3-character tag (or LDR for the leader) and a 4th character for the subfield, for 010-999 fields
# Content: string containing the content of the given subfield (or of the field, for LDR and 000-009 fields)
For example, the MARC field
856 40 $z Open Access via eScholarship $u
has output like this, where the record id (001) is 123, and the field is the 20th (counting the leader) in the record:
123 20 1 40 856z Open Access via eScholarship
123 20 2 40 856u
Breaks a file of MARC records into smaller files.
USAGE: marcsplit -[c|f|s] marcinputfile [marcoutputfile]
-c Displays count of records
-f number Copies first [number] records from inputfile to outputfile
-s number Copies inputfile into chunks of [number] records;
writes up to 999 outputfiles with format of:
outputfile.001, outputfile.002, etc.
Converts binary MARC to readable text. Output goes to STDOUT.
USAGE: marcview marcinputfile