a stylish markdown-like DrawText function for Raylib!
You can use basic markdown syntax to style your text :
~wave animation~
Of course, you can easily combine these effects with each other; maybe even all at once!
DrawTextStyle("~Hellooo~ :D", 100,100, DARKGRAY)
You can also use this function to specify the line spacing to use in your multi-line text (something you can't do by default in Raylib)
I really recommend tweaking this function to your liking! I hope I wrote something clear enough. Have fun!
- You need to load your font, with variations (normal, italic, bold, bold+italic)
- Create a timer variable to animate the
waaave(and add the delta-time each frame) - Include the header file
- Customize the DrawTextStyle() wrapper to use your favorite settings
- You're good to go!
Thank Raysan for making such a lovely framework <3