Releases: UBC-MDS/nameformeR
Releases · UBC-MDS/nameformeR
Milestone 4
What's Changed
- r workflow created by @eyrexh in #30
- document created by @eyrexh in #34
- add docs by @eyrexh in #35
- readme updated with minor modification on scripts. by @ZilongYi in #36
- Adding Example usage in vignette by @ZilongYi in #37
- modify readme and description by @eyrexh in #38
- add comment to test function by @eyrexh in #39
- modify readme by @eyrexh in #40
- add badges by @eyrexh in #41
- edit vignette by @eyrexh in #42
- update vignette html by @eyrexh in #43
- Delete .gitignore by @eyrexh in #44
- website updated by @eyrexh in #45
- edit readme pages by @eyrexh in #46
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
Milestone 3
What's Changed
- find_name by @eyrexh in #6
- Function and Tests written by @DanielCairns in #15
- setting the descreption and test that by @eyrexh in #16
- Find old name by @ZilongYi in #17
- edit find_name func by @eyrexh in #18
- Generated test and man files for find_similar_name by @DanielCairns in #19
- namespace by @eyrexh in #20
- Find unisex name by @BruceUBC in #22
- test function created by @BruceUBC in #23
- Find unisex name by @BruceUBC in #24
- fix warnings by @eyrexh in #25
- clean errors by @eyrexh in #26
- write readme and description by @eyrexh in #27
- combine functions by @eyrexh in #28
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...1.0.0
Milestone 2
What's Changed
- contributing by @eyrexh in #1
- add function docstring and edit contributing file by @eyrexh in #4
- Updated README by @DanielCairns in #5
New Contributors
- @eyrexh made their first contribution in #1
- @DanielCairns made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: