This is an implementation of a kahoot server. To configure the server please visit the file. To run the server all you need is a computer with rsa keys and the mysql connector from oracle installed.
Your database must be set up as follows:
- Create a database and specify it's name in the config file.
- Add table quizes with columns: uid int(11) AI PK quiz json description json
- Add a table users with columns: username varchar(45) PK password varchar(100) my_quizes json fav_quizes json
- And you are done!
If you have set up the database correctly, the server should work.
- my_quizes and fav_quizes contain a json: {"uids" : [ <list of uids> ] }
- quiz json stracture: [ {"Time" : question time, "Question": question string, "Answers": [ {"Key": answer, "Value": right/wrong }, ...] } }, ...]
- description json stacture: {"UID" : uid, "Name": name of quiz, "Description" : desc of quiz, "Timeout" : player join timeout}