A general-purpose Discord App made by TwilightZebby.
The License for this Project, and all of TwilightZebby's Projects, can be found here.
Action Commands support being used in both Server-App and User-App contexts. So they can be used anywhere (including DMs/GroupDMs) depending on if you add TwiLite to a Server or to your account!
Just some fun little roleplay-style Commands (such as /bonk
, /hug
, /boop
, etc) that you can use on your friends.
Some Action Commands can also be used via right-clicking/long-pressing on a User! These "User Command" variants exist for those who just want a quicker way of giving someone a Bonk, Boop, or Headpat. :)
The Role Menu management Commands can only be used within Servers, meaning TwiLite has to be added to the Server in question in order for its Role Menu Commands to function.
Create self-assignable Role Menus for your Server Members to use.
There are three types of Role Menus that TwiLite supports:
- Classic (aka Toggle) Role Menus - The most basic Role Menu. Members can self-grant/revoke any and all Roles from a Toggle Role Menu.
- Useful for notification Roles, for example
- Swappable Role Menus - Members can only have 1 Role per Swappable Menu. Attempting to select another Role on the same Swappable Menu will swap the two Roles for the Member instead.
- Useful for colour Roles, for example
- Single-use Role Menus - Members can only use a Single-use Menu once. After use, Members cannot self-revoke or swap the selected Role from themselves from the same Menu.
- Useful for team Roles in Events, for example
You can even add Requirements to Menus you make, restricting their use to those with specific Roles. An example use for this may be restricting a Role Menu to only your Supporters! (The Server Owner, and those with the Admin Permission, will bypass any Role Menu Requirements set).
All Role Menu management can be found under the /rolemenu
Command - including guides on how to edit or delete an existing Role Menu.
TwiLite may sometimes be updated to add some general-purpose, utility, or other miscellaneous features. Currently added ones are as follows:
Temperature Conversion Commands support being used in both Server-App and User-App contexts. So they can be used anywhere (including DMs/GroupDMs) depending on if you add TwiLite to a Server or to your account!
Useful for converting American temperatures (Degrees F) into more globally understood temperatures (Degrees C or K), or indeed the other way around. There are two ways to convert temperatures using TwiLite:
- the Slash Command which can be used to manually convert a single temperature- "
Convert Temperatures
" - the Message Context Command which can be used to convert up to 10 temperatures from most Messages sent by Users
Command | Description |
/bonk |
Bonks the specified User, Role, or everyone |
/boop |
Boops the specified User, Role, or everyone |
/cookie |
Gives the specified User, Role, or everyone a cookie! |
/headpat |
Gives the specified User, Role, or everyone a headpat |
/hug |
Gives the specified User, Role, or everyone a hug |
/kiss |
Gives a kiss to the specified User, Role, or everyone |
/yeet |
Yeets (throws) the specified User, Role, or everyone |
Command | Description |
"Bonk User " |
Bonks the target User |
"Boop User " |
Boops the target User |
"Headpat User " |
Gives the target User a headpat |
Command Name | Command Type | Description |
/rolemenu |
Slash | Create/Manage self-assignable Role Menus |
"Edit Role Menu " |
Message | Edit an existing Role Menu |
"Delete Role Menu " |
Message | Delete an existing Role Menu |
Command Name | Command Type | Description |
/temperature |
Slash | Convert a single temperature between degrees C, F, and K |
"Convert Temperature " |
Message | Convert up to 10 temperatures at once from a single Message |
- "Message" refers to Message Context Commands
- "User" refers to User Context Commands
For more information on Context Commands, including where to find them, please see the below section.
All of these Slash and Context Commands can be restricted to only be used by specific Users/Roles, in specific Channels, or by everyone everywhere in Server Settings > Integerations.
Sadly, though, this Settings Page is only viewable on Desktop and Web Browser versions of Discord, not Mobile App versions.
Furthermore, some of these Commands have default Permission requirements set - meaning that they won't be viewable or usable in the Command Pickers unless you have the relevant Permission (or are Server Owner, or have Admin Permission); unless an override has been set on the Command itself by the Server's Admins/Owner.
Please note that you can only manage App Command Permissions, as described above, for Server Apps (Apps that you have added to your Server). User Apps inherit their Permissions from the User running its Commands. If you want to prevent public responses from User Apps in your Server, simply revoke the "Use External Apps" Permission from your Members!
By now, most Users are aware of Slash Commands (/boop
for example) and how to use them - but not many are aware of Context Commands. Hence, this section here to explain where they are!
Message Context Commands are Commands used on a specific Message in Chat, and can be found:
- Desktop/Web: Right-click a Message -> Apps
- Mobile: Long-press (press-and-hold) a Message -> Apps
User Context Commands are Commands used on a specific User in Servers, and can be found:
- Desktop/Web: Right-click a Username or profile picture either in Chat or Member List -> Apps
- Mobile: Long-press (press-and-hold) a Username or profile picture in Chat or Member List -> Apps
This App was born from a mixture of "felt like it" and a want to bring back some of the commands from the Kawaii App.
Now, TwilightZebby aims to make this a general purpose Discord App, to add some useful stuff he and/or his friends may want/need.
The App, with its original name of "Actions Bot", was originally first added to Dr1fterX's Server in January 2021. The App was later renamed to "MooBot" in March 2022; renamed again to "HeccBot" in May 2023, and renamed for hopefully the final time to "TwiLite" in December 2024.
The original name, "Actions Bot", was picked because of the simple nature of the App - to add action-based Slash Commands. Now that the App is being used for more features, which are less action-based (such as Button-Roles or the Temperature Convertor), TwilightZebby thought a name change was in order since "Actions Bot" isn't accurate anymore.
"MooBot" became the name picked as a reference to an old meme in Dr1fterX's community, in which TwilightZebby was a cow (yes, as in the animal). That meme has long since vanished as per TwilightZebby's request. He humbly requests no one refer to him as a cow anymore because of the expiry of that meme. :)
Due to Discord changing their Username System in early 2023, it was thought that the name "MooBot" could not be used for this App anymore, since it is already taken by a verified Discord & Twitch Bot.
Thus, TwilightZebby renamed this App to "HeccBot". However, Discord has since allowed Apps to stay on the old username system (with "username#0000" style names including discrims) - but TwilightZebby will keep the App named as "HeccBot" to help reduce conflicting names with the aforementioned Twitch Bot.
In December 2024, after thinking about the current range of Discord Apps publicly useable, Zebby realised that more and more people are preferring using Discord Apps that do one or two things well, over Apps that do everything poorly.
So, Zebby decided to have a 'restart' of sorts with his multipurpose App. It will now be made primarily for himself and his friends, but left publicly addable should anyone else want to use it.
It also gained a rename to "TwiLite" to reflect the new future of this App.
In April 2024, Discord made a hard-push to rename "Bots" to "Apps" (ie: "Server App", "User App", "Embedded Apps" AKA Custom Activities, etc).
While they never officially made their reasonings for that known, it can be assumed they wanted to move away from the term "Bot" due to the negative connotations the term "Bot" has, sadly, had grown upon it. (Fuck you Twitter/Facebook/etc for that)
I, TwilightZebby, was initially on the fence about adhering to Discord's rebranding of "Bots" into "Apps". However, I have since decided to follow suit as to not have that negative connotation with my own Discord Server/User Apps.
Hopefully, one day we will be able to reclaim the term "Bot" without its negative connotation. For now, I guess we have to stick with either "App" or "Robot". :c