Port of Ulysses2SourceView in Vala Library form. With a few fixes and a few more bugs.
Allows you to convert Ulysses Editor Themes to markdown syntax focused GtkSourceView Style Schemes.
Place the ultheme.wrap
in subprojects directory in your project.
In your meson.build, add:
ultheme_dep = dependency('ultheme-0.1', fallback : [ 'ultheme', 'libultheme_dep' ])
Then add ultheme_dep and dependency('clutter-1.0') to your dependencies.
Download desired theme from Ulysses Editor Themes, or build one with a Theme Generator.
Themes contain both a light and dark version. To get the dark version, you can do:
public static int main (string[] args) {
var ultheme = new Ultheme.Parser (File.new_for_path (args[1]));
print (ultheme.get_dark_theme ());
return 0;
For the light version:
public static int main (string[] args) {
var ultheme = new Ultheme.Parser (File.new_for_path (args[1]));
print (ultheme.get_light_theme ());
return 0;
There's bugs and magic numbers. This is a best guess implementation.