The MMM-Rest
module is a MagicMirror² addon.
This module collects data via HTTP calls and displays it on your mirror in a table.
- Navigate into your MagicMirror's
folder and executegit clone
- cd
cd MMM-Rest
- Execute
npm install
to install the node dependencies.
- 2016-10-27: incompatible changes: the "suffix" and "digits" parameters are removed and replaced by a "format" parameter! Please check your config!
- 2018-02-02: added ranges to format parameter
- 2024-03-21: added the ability to place multiple instances of the module into config files
- 2024-03-22: Added the ability to specify and customize display of DateTime objects
- 2024-03-22: Added the ability to transform REST results before displaying
- 2024-05-06: Added new optional variable
for more customizable alignment
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js
modules: [
module: 'MMM-Rest',
position: 'bottom_right', // This can be any of the regions.
// Best results in one of the side regions like: top_left
config: {
debug: false,
forceAlign: false,
mappings: {
on_off: {
true: 'on',
false: 'off',
temperature: {
1: 'cold',
2: 'warm',
3: 'HOT',
sections: [
format: '%.1f<span class="wi wi-celsius"></span>',
url: '',
format: [
{ range: [, 10], format: '<span style="color:green">%d</span>'},
{ range: [10, 20], format: '<span style="color:yellow">%d</span>'},
{ range: [30, ], format: '<span style="color:red">%d</span>'},
{ string: 'HOT', format: '<span style="color:red">%d</span>'},
{ format: '%d'}
url: '',
format: '%s',
mapping: 'temperature',
url: '',
format: '%d<span class="wi wi-humidity"></span>',
url: '',
format: 'Lights %s',
mapping: 'on_off',
url: '',
format: [
{ dateOptions: { weekday: 'long', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', hour12: true }, format: '<span style="color:green">%s</span>'},
url: '',
format: [
{ range: [, 1000], format: '<span style="color:green">%d W</span>'},
{ range: [1000, 1000000], format: '%.1f kW', transform: 'value/1000'}
{ format: '%.1f MW', transform: 'value/1000000'}
url: '',
output: [
['Last Updated','@6'],
['Solar Production','@7'],
The following properties can be configured:
Option | Description | ||||||||
sections |
sections is an array of hashes for the REST endpoints to connect to
mappings |
mappings is an hash of hashes for the mapping of values to other values
output |
control the output table for the display.
Has to be a 2-dimensional array representing the rows and the columns of the output A cell containing a '@' followed by a number represents the section id (starting by 1) of the REST Urls |
updateInterval |
How often this refreshes Example: 60000
Default value: 60000
initialLoadDelay |
How long to wait for the first load Example: 60000
Default value: 0
animationSpeed |
Fadeover effect for dom updates Example: 1000
Default value: 2000
forceAlign |
Boolean. Describes the alignment behavior of the tablefalse will align description cells to the left and variable cells (e.g., @1 ) to the right.
true will align all cells in the leftmost column to the left and all other cells to the right.
Default value: false
debug |
Log messages to / console Example: true
Default value: false