This Repository is part of an Assignment of the course EE610 at EE Department, IIT Bombay.
The main goal of this is to make a small image editor tool.
- Apache, php, python
- Python Modules: numpy, skimage
This Code can perform the following tasks:
- Upload an Image
- Do Image histogram equalisation
- Do Gamma Correction
- Do Log Transform
- Save the Image
There is nothing to get scared about these terms, they are just some fancy names.
- AJAX: Used for sending / receiving Information without reloading a web page
You can refer this page for a basic introduction and working examples.
- POST, GET: Method used for sharing Information in the above step
You can refer this page for more information.
- CGI: Used in APACHE settings to enable execution of python scripts
You can refer this pgae for more information.
- .htaccess: settings can be mentioned in this file for each specific directory.
You can refer this page for more information.
I have tested this code in xubuntu 16.04 and ubuntu 16.04, but i am 99% sure that this will work in all ubuntu machines..
Following are the steps to be followed for using this code on a fresh machine
- Setup APACHE.
sudo apt install apache2
- Copy this code to web directory (/var/www/html/)
cd /var/www/html
git clone gui
- Enable CGI execution in apache2
sudo a2enmod cgi
sudo service apache2 restart
- Add the following lines of code in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
<Directory "/var/www/html/gui">
AllowOverride All
- After any kind of changes to apache2 configuration files, we need to reload it.
sudo service apache2 restart
- Check if CGI scripts are being run, a hello world program is made for this special purpose only.
Check the CGI script working by going to http://localhost/gui/scripts/
- Once all the above steps are done, the GUI can be seen at http://localhost/gui
But if you face any problems while any of the steps, you can debug them with help of next step
- (Optional) If you want debug information, add this line of code to the same 000-default.conf file
LogLevel debug
You can see the debug information in /var/log/apache2/error.log
This command comes in handy at times..
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
Web Help: look in StackOverflow
Worst case scenario: You can always drop a mail to me. You can find my details here
- Remember: Always restart apache2 service whenever you chnage the configuration files of apache2
- If you are not able to upload images..
a) Check if the folder images
has 777 permissions. If not you can do so by using
sudo chmod -R 777 images/
The -R is used for recursion (folder within folder scenario)
Also change the owner to www-data
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data images/
b) The image upload size must be more than the permissible limit.
You can check and change this permissible limit in /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini