Unofficial TypeScript API for
- Fetch anime details by series URL
- type
- status
- air date
- end date
- episodes count
- producers
- duration per episodes in minutes
- MPAA rating
- Fetch anime episodes and online players URLs.
And many more.
Docs available here.
npm i shinden-pl-api
import { Anime, searchAnime } from "shinden-pl-api";
import { Anime, searchAnime } from "shinden-pl-api";
searchAnime("Hunter x Hunter (2011)").then(result=>{
result.getSearchResults().then(async sr=>{
const ANIME = new Anime(sr[0].seriesURL.href);
const ANIME_DESCRIPTION = await ANIME.getDescription();
import { Anime } from "shinden-pl-api";
const HXH = new Anime("");
const HXH_details = await HXH.getDetails();
import { Anime } from "shinden-pl-api";
const HXH = new Anime("");
const HXH_ep = await HXH.getEpisodes();
const HXH_ep0p = await HXH_ep[0].getPlayers();
const PLAYER_URL = await HXH_ep0p[0].getExternalPlayerURL();
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Make sure to follow the existing code style and include tests for your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
This API is unofficial and not affiliated with All data and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.