e-mail : rasehlomi@gmail.com
The work contained herein is my effort to respond to the City of Cape Town 's Data Science Challenge. It compromiseS of jupyter notebooks developed for each question. The following questions have been attempted and their respective jupyter notebooks are attached for your consideration.
QUESTION 2: Initial Data Transformation (if applying for a Data Engineering and/or Science Position)
Jupyter notebook : joining_hex_geojson_to_service_requests_csv
Using the sr_hex.csv dataset, please chose two of the following:
4.1 Time series challenge: Predict the weekly number of expected service requests per hex that will be created each week, for the next 4 weeks.
Jupyter notebook : predict_weekly_expected_number_of_service_requests
4.7. Classification challenge: Classify a hex as sparsely or densely populated, solely based on the service request data.
Jupyter notebook : classify_hex_sparsely_densely_populated_classification challenge