My first dotfiles ever. Made for wayfire After a long time using other's dotfiles i decided to build my own on top of these dotfiles (since i was too lazy to do everything from 0) so you probably will find familiar configs.
(this was made without love which means that i made it for myself so there's some configurations that either is broken or you may have to change in wayfire.ini like the monitor resolution and stuff that you probably experienced before)
If i forgot to add anything/sent something buggy just tell me in the issues bar.
I use the gtk theme "Material-Black-Plum-4.0" from "Material-Themes" and the Kvantum theme "Black-Plum" from "Black-Colors". The gtk theme doesn't combine that well with the rice itself but it's the closest one i found that was faithful to the theme. It also had some conflicts with the wofi so i had to change some things (like the input border) but nothing that relevant.
Material Themes:
Black Colors:
I use Tela-Purple-Dark but before i used Dark-Papirus, you can see both in use at the print and install the one you think it combines better. Oh yeah and Sunity-cursors as cursor.
Tela icon theme:
Sunity Cursors: