With a fridge, accessories and the Pi-Ager software you can build a maturity cabinet for meat yourself. The software takes over the control for exhaust air, circulating air, humidification, dehumidification, UV light, light etc.
The project is a purely private project, by meat lovers for meat lovers.
It is not allowed to use the software, e.g. in ready-made refrigerators, for sale and commercial use.
As this project currently has mainly German users, the main documentation is available on the website pi-ager.org in German.
To get startet from Beginning use this tutorial on pi-ager.org see in standalone installation
See on pi-ager.org softwarepakages
See on pi-ager.org program installation
See on pi-ager.org/bedienung
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Tronje the Falconer - Front & Backend - Tronje the Falconer
Flatmike - Backend - Flatmike
GSV-Ha-Ma - Hardware & Testing - GSV-Ha-Ma
GSV-DerBurgermeister - Backend - GSV-DerBurgermeister
phylax2020 - Front & Backend - phylax2020
Marfinho - Frontend - Marfinho
GSV-Steinbacher - Frontend - GSV-Steinbacher
Tommy_J - Initial work - Tommy_J
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GPL v3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
!!Special note!!: It is not allowed to use the software, e.g. in ready-made refrigerators, for sale and commercial use.
- The foundation stone of the project comes from the forum of the Grillsportverein and from the pen of Tommy_J. (Thank you very much for the idea, the work you've done and the permission to post and develop it on GitHub.)