Responsive touch-friendly theme for Adminer database tool (
Three color variants included.
You can also try our useful plugins or our custom Adminer configuration in all-in-one bundle.
Download and install Adminer tool.
Download all content from /lib folder right next to adminer.php.
File structure will be:
- css
- fonts
- images
- plugins
- adminer.php
- Create index.php file and configure plugins.
function adminer_object()
// Required to run any plugin.
include_once "./plugins/plugin.php";
// Plugins auto-loader.
foreach (glob("plugins/*.php") as $filename) {
include_once "./$filename";
// Specify enabled plugins here.
$plugins = array(
// AdminerTheme has to be the last one!
new AdminerTheme(),
// Color variant can by specified in constructor parameter.
// new AdminerTheme("default-orange"),
// new AdminerTheme("default-blue"),
// new AdminerTheme("default-green"),
return new AdminerPlugin($plugins);
// Include original Adminer or Adminer Editor.
include "./adminer.php";
Final file structure will be:
- css
- fonts
- images
- plugins
- AdminerTheme.php
- plugin.php
- adminer.php
- index.php
Theme is compatible with Adminer 4.1 and newer.
Only last versions of modern web browsers are supported. There is no backward compatibility with old versions (especially IE).
Amazing Entypo pictograms are created by Daniel Bruce (