This is a simple python script that similarly to Nativefier creates a webapp given a url. But instead of using Electron and therefore a resource hungry fully blown Chromium-instance it uses Tauri for a lightweight executable.
./ "Youtube Music"
usage: [-h] [-c] [-f] [-w WORK_DIR] [-b BUILD_DIR] [--binary_only]
[--arch_install] [--deb_install]
name url
Create a lightweight tauri webapp.
positional arguments:
name The name of the app that will be created
url The url of the target site
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --clean force a clean build
-f, --force overwrite destination build directory
-w WORK_DIR, --work_dir WORK_DIR
Overwrite the working directory
-b BUILD_DIR, --build_dir BUILD_DIR
Overwrite the target build directory. Will be ignored if used in
combination with --binary_only or --*_install
--binary_only Only create a single binary
--arch_install Install the created deb bundle using debtap and pacman
--deb_install Install the created deb bundle using dpkg
- Add support for some common arguments
- Figure out why the AppImages don't work certain tasks, e.g. YoutubeMusic (i.e. figure out how to add the missing gstreamer dependencies)
- Add arch auto install support
- Test debian auto install support
- Add binary extraction support
- Add support for icons